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High Rollers
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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. Gordon Lightfoot was very important to me in my formative college years. I spent the summer of 1976 at Forestry summer camp at Cloquet and Isabella MN with “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” playing on the local radio stations a bit before it hit the national airwaves. But “Don Quixote” was and is my favorite song of his as it seemed to tell a story I was very familiar with. Luckily, I was able to see him in concert twice. The first time at Ravinia (Highland Park, IL) in 1983 and the second at Chastain Park (Atlanta, GA) in 1995. This one hits real hard. I will leave with the following excerpt from Nicholas Jennings biography, Lightfoot . Like many great artists, he was a complex person.
  2. Happy Birthday, You Troublemaker! Edit: What are the going odds for Ray posting here?
  3. I would put the miniDSP on top of the phono stage as I never feel good about putting anything on or under an amp. I also have a big box full of RCA cables that I will never use. If you tell me what length you need I can check to see if I have any that would work for you. You would make my wife happy because I would be getting rid of “useless crap”.
  4. A slightly belated happy birthday, Al!
  5. A Belated Happy Birthday Wish, Nate!
  6. Pfft! Next thing you are going to tell me is that he has developed a fondness for Maraschino liquor.
  7. A Belated happy Birthday to you, Sir Colin of Toole!
  8. Heading to the biggest RV and camping show in the Northeast, in beautiful Springfield, MA.
  9. Unfortunately I have had teaching schedule changes and other travel commitments near this date that pretty much ensure that I will not be there.
  10. Right now it’s -14 in Northfield with a wind chill of -32. But then we are having a high in the mid 30s tomorrow, so almost a 50 degree swing in about 24 hours. Pretty Crazy.
  11. Caught this little moocher (live-trap) in our kitchen this morning
  12. Happy Birthday, Gram! Welcome to the 60s.
  13. Last night at Oakes and Evelyn started with a half dozen oysters and a spicy chorizo bao bun then a small plate of grilled octopus (left) and seared foie gras and ahi tuna (right) and last a cup of coffee with some deconstructed cheesecake
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