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High Rollers
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Everything posted by dsavitsk

  1. https://www.finewoodworking.com/2011/03/08/clamping-cauls-the-secret-to-great-glue-ups https://www.popularmechanics.com/home/tools/how-to/a20377/how-to-use-your-planer-as-jointer-for-milling-large-pieces-of-wood/
  2. Quiche that is a little more rustic than intended, but still delicious. Roasted potatoes, grilled zucchini, chèvre, herbs, and crust made with whole wheat pastry flour.
  3. Donate it to your local hacker space. You'll get a nice tax break, and it will get used and appreciated. You saw how rusty his tools got? Might as well just burn it this winter
  4. A nice trick - soft wood is plain sawn from trees just big enough to yield a 2x12. The 2x12's are taken across the middle with the 2x4's from the edge. Those edge pieces are the most likely to warp, but if you take a 2x12 and turn it into 3 2x4's, the two from the outside edges are effectively quarter sawn and are much more likely to be stable.
  5. Cinnamon roll. One of a set. Made from some enriched oatmeal and whole wheat dough.
  6. From a few days ago: whole wheat focaccia with fresh mozzarella, parmigiano, and grilled onions and shallots.
  7. I'd never be allowed into the UK if I did.
  8. We have every other form of cooking thread, so why not baking? I'll start with today's lunch, leftover from last night's dinner ... Clearly nobody is going to hire me for my crimping (or photography) skills. But they were delicious nevertheless. The crust is a rough puff pastry made with 1/2 whole rye flour. The filling is yellow potatoes, peas, green onions, and chevre.
  9. I thought maybe you had a broken one stuck on mute.
  10. Seems expensive for used. What's a "muted Brooklyn+"?
  11. At least they don't have more guns than people.
  12. https://www.amazon.com/ONE-Little-Bear-Balanced-Converter/dp/B00OY0TBMA/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=2SQRY9IXA4C1Y&dchild=1&keywords=xlr+switch&qid=1633032455&sprefix=XLR+swi&sr=8-5 Same thing, same price, different brand
  13. I'm generally in favor of making things instead of buying them, but in this case you can buy such a thing for less than the cost of the parts. If you do build it, you should manage the shield the same as you would on any other project: https://www.ranecommercial.com/kb_article.php?article=2107
  14. Modern gz34's can be even more sensitive than the datasheets indicate. You want to keep the cap small. PSUD is your friend here. You can change the psud load to constant current to determine this. And you can add a current change to check for ringing in the PS.
  15. A Stitch in Time. (Available on Amazon Prime in the US) Really fascinating, at least through the first 2 (of 6 total) episodes. It's basically The Woodwright's Shop meets Fake or Fortune meets Bake Off. What could be better than that?
  16. Indeed. The Disposable Heroes track on Virus 100 is fantastic. That's a great track. I don't know the other one.
  17. I feel like these types of things are usually pretty terrible. I also find St. Vincent to be uninspiring regardless of the context.
  18. I think he clicked the wrong face. On a small screen it's difficult to see. @TMoney is a lover of cats. I am sorry for your loss, Craig. 18 years is a long time for a cat, and a sign that you gave her a loving home.
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