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JoaMat last won the day on October 27 2023

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About JoaMat

  • Birthday 12/26/1955

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  1. Below STN9360 replacing 2sa1468 on a Kevin DIY T2 board. I bent outer pins slightly outwards to fit into the to220 pads.
  2. Another alternative is STN9360, 600V, 0.5A, 1.5W in sot-223. Has been used in Megatron before (less than 100mW). Solder it in standing instead of ksa1156.
  3. STTH512FP should work. Mouser has plenty of them.
  4. Thank you. For daily use heat sink certainly needs to be grounded. We also need some cover for the transistor tab and leads, which otherwise are exposed for any 5-year engineer. I think it’s solvable. Better also an isolated mosfet... if available?
  5. The heat sink is not grounded and the two Gothenburgers has been warned. Those drop in devices are only for testing purpose and should be handled as most dangerous - able to kill you. Absolutely no children or pets around.
  6. I’ve made a solid state CCS for Megatron to replace the top EL34. Seems to work all right. I think a modified Megatron with solid state CCS will simplify the building of Megatron considerably.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. A few words regarding filament supplies I’m using with 2A3 and 300B tubes. 9 VAC => unregulated 11 VDC => XL4015 DCtoDC step down converter... ... with trimmers for output voltage and current limiter. It’s easy to set voltage to correct voltage depending of tube and also to trim current to achieve a sort of soft start. So far it works ok.
  10. No output transformer. There are output electrolytics to headphone. Schematically it looks something like this. Reason for three KSC2690A in CCS is to distribute the heat, so no heat sink needed. At the moment I only use two transistors in CCS due to insufficient transformers. I don’t know how to optimize the circuit, but I’m happy with the result.
  11. Aerial picture of a balanced amplifier for dynamic headphones. Only light from LEDs and tubes. ISO-25600, F4, 1/13 sek. And in day light. 4 x 2A3, 4 x 12BH7, 8 x switch mode filament supplies, 2 x GRHV and 4 x transformers. DIY is still fun.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. So, I got myself QuantAsylum QA-403 Audio Analyzer. Now I can make some simple analyses of amplifiers I build. Screenshot – my CFA3smd something with HD800 headphone, 2Vrms into headphone. Probably room for improvements. But I’m satisfied and I’m not competent enough to make it better.
  15. Not much (nothing) has happened since my post 11 months ago. Here is a schematic, original to the left and lsk389 version to the right. My idea was to replace 6922 tubes with lsk389 and just make necessary changes and else keep the board unchanged. This is a draft - more work is needed. Of course you can use SOIC lsk389, but I prefer TO-71 since I think it fits better in the layout.
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