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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. My e-bike is in the shop at the moment. I had way too much fun imitating Brent and bent my derailleur hanger and broke the shifter. So I'm back to human powered until the new shifter comes in.
  2. As much as I love barked clams, I'm going to have to give this round to Anne.
  3. Happy Birthday, Jeffy! Have a wonderful day.
  4. He knew that bacon would just lead you to having a biscuit. The world can't take that right now.
  5. For trick bicyclists and wood workers, here's a short youTube video on making small kicker jump and landing ramps:
  6. Looks great! Thanks for the recipe. I've recently wanted to make some Moroccan dishes and bought cumin and other spices in preparation. This looks like a great dish to start on.
  7. Doesn't 'S' stand for "Super expensive"?
  8. Easy as pie sounds good. How would it look on white oak? Other than sanding, is there any other prep needed?
  9. Magnitude 5.2. It was the biggest shake I've felt while living in Santa Barbara. Make that 5.3. They keep upgrading it.
  10. Happy Birthday, Tyler! Have a wonderful day.
  11. But how can they have the "Dusty Chalk Area" meet without Dusty Chalk?
  12. Could be. But it's probably not necessary when somebody copies your feature set, interface and documentation word for word.
  13. While working for Cisco in the late 90's or early 00's, Huawei came out with a competing router that looked just like the Cisco router, had exactly the same command interface, same features, etc. The funniest thing was that the documentation was, with the exception of "Cisco Systems" being replaced by "Huawei" was word to word exactly the same. This included copying the typos.
  14. Happy Birthday, Doug! Hope it's been a fun day.
  15. Recursion? Isn't that what Mr. Sessions had to do about the Russian probe?
  16. We're forecasted to get 3" or 4" starting tonight through Thursday. I suspect that the mud will flow again. There's a mandatory evacuation from those areas affected by the Thomas fire burn and 4 other mandatory evacuations in SoCal. Hope it's not too bad.
  17. Happy Birthday, Al! Have a great one.
  18. The line was about 1/2 block long out of the Blaze Pizza in Isla Vista during lunchtime.
  19. RIP Steven Hawking. Brilliant and a sense of humor too: " I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road. "
  20. Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day. Then come back here more often.
  21. Todd, sorry about your situation with the storm and electricity. Hope it all changes for the better soon. Stay safe.
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