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Everything posted by krrm

  1. Anybody here have any impressions? At that price it's tempting to just buy them (but we most get a bigger house before I can get back into speakers).
  2. Is a LCD tv an option? I use that, and it works fairly well.
  3. Iirc the great Google disk survey a year or two ago indicated that a temperature of around 40 degrees (Celsius) was optimal for harddisk life.
  4. I have a very strong application for the Idiot of the Day Award! My computer misery is described a few posts ago. When I got home, I couldn't get the sound to work. Everything looked nice from the application side, power was on (for dac and amp), phone was plugged etc. After a lot of software fiddling, I started on the really desperate track and decided to remove an unused soundcard (which never has done any harm to anybody). I then noticed that the cable between the dac and amp was unplugged. Sound is ok now, after I have undone my previous attempts to "repair" it.
  5. <repeat 10 times>I shall never buy cheap motherboards again</repeat 10 times> I choose to do an emergency update from OpenSuse 10.3 to 11RC1, as a lock up resulted in fucked up filesystem. Most things seemed to be ok this morning. OpenSuse updates are now almost as painless as with Debian, after some preliminary magic it was just a "zypper dup" (where do they get the names from ) and a reboot.
  6. The DT 880 have bass, as in deep bass that can be heard on Angel by Massive Attack or Koyaanisquatsi (beginning of first track) by Phillip Glass. But I also can understand those who describe them as without bass, because with some music they can be thin and less engaging than other phones. I like mine (250/2005) and more than DT770 pro (80/2003), but the Pico does a very good job in taming the bass of the 770. But then for use at work the 770 is perfect, they isolate well and I can throw them in a computer sack without worries matter what else I throw in there. Now try that with a pair of O2s
  7. Congratulations, and much fun awaits you! Your life will change, no doubt. You need to find a new balance between child, wife (don
  8. I know losing a dog hurts, but still it was the right thing to do. Best of luck.
  9. Looked to be another boring day at work as my project is closing up and my parts are done, but I'm not released to the next project yet and I haven't worked at my current job long enough to have a backlog of "nice, but not critical" things to do. "Luckily" some perfermance issues with a vendor application showed up. Websphere AS vs. Jboss: 0 - 1. Now I just finished a beer in the garden. It is hot and sunny in Oslo at the moment.
  10. krrm

    beatles vs. stones

    I prefer the Byrds to the Beatles, and the Who to the Rolling Stones, oh and the Rolling Stones to the Beatles.
  11. Sorry about your grandfather, Condolences.
  12. I can easily be fooled into something like this.
  13. So much Laphroaig talk the other day, so I had to buy a
  14. Removed the stitches and got a new cast, blue this time. I decieded to use the metro to get home, and just missed the bus that takes me even closer to home so I decided to walk (hump is probably a better word) the last part. Anyway, as I passed a house with an old man in the garden, he called at me and asked if I had problems with showering. It turned out that he used to sell pharmacy products and had a lot of cast protectors laying around so he gave me one. Hope it is better than the plastic bag I have been using so far. Nice and a bit strange things happends in real life. Now I'm trying to get my laptop connected to the vpn at work, but Windows and weird corporate networks does not impress me.
  15. Oh yes, I'm feeling fine. But I need to keep my leg on a chair or something once in a while. The worst part is that it is difficult to carry stuff, so my coworkers have fetch coffee for me . Tomorrow I will go to the doctor for a check and remove the stitches. Thanks, I have had very little pain and I'm happy for that. The legs is getting better by the day, but it is still a long way to go. No soccer untill next year
  16. Regarding the the Stello talk I got a Stello DA 100, and I am very pleased with it. It is better than the analogue out off a stock SB3 and it doesn't make me miss my Pico. I haven't compared it directly to the Pico. And that is pretty much my experience with DACs, so take it for what its worth.
  17. Ouuch, this is one of the things that hurts just to think about it. You missed the bone I guess?
  18. Completly off topic alert: When I was young and irresponsible, a friend of mine and I tried to BBQ inside the appartament of my friends brother due to bad weather. Even with an electric grill and open doors this was a complete failure and we had to abort our mission.
  19. I had my first day at work after the operation, it was rather quiet as the project I'm on is just about finsihed and after 14 days off I don't know whats going on. Other than that nothing special. Read for kids, listen to music etc.
  20. krrm

    Allergies :(

    Lets hope Dusty is right and that this is something else that will pass. Time to see a doctor? I'm not allergic, but I can certainly imaging that being allergic sucks big time. Get well.
  21. 0/100 for me. I got the Indian embassy as my closest bookstore. Me still think there is work to do at that site.
  22. Have you used the Darwin Source Selector? I have a few bits and pieces (MC/RIAA stage + a preamp stage) and if I wire them together and kick out my (real) preamp I need a source selector.
  23. krrm

    New O2 + KGSS Rig

    Congrats. Oh, and, eeeeh, if you should feel the need for a BH, I can help you to get rid of the KGSS.
  24. Antex TCS230 50 Watt soldering iron with in-handle temperature control soldering iron stand lead free solder various machine screws & nuts cheapish ofc copper cable Paris Hilton style dog in bag. Well, ok, at least I paid for it.
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