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Everything posted by NoValidTitle

  1. I think I went through every beta and the RC and now I'm running the RTM. Highly recommended. It runs like a champ on one of my pcs that only has 1GB of ram in it. I think there are only 3 ways to get the RTM right now. 1. MSDN 2. Private Beta users were granted the RTM 3. Shady methods
  2. ELO is amazing! New for me: Dan La Sac vs Scroobius Pip
  3. tada! works now, thanks for this cool feature. Time to PM myself quoting my own post to see if I cause some sort of black hole.
  4. Yeah I'm also seeing the problem with loading big threads on tapatalk. It will load 9 or so posts of the stax thread and doesn't give a button to load more posts. So hopefully it gets improved because otherwise it is a nice app.
  5. I'm not sure the dimensions on them but what about a glasses case for children?
  6. x2, I'm also interested to see this.
  7. Is it just me or is the wire that's going from the tranny to the board nicked? From the first pic it looks like it's nicked just up and to the right of the board. Other pics seem to suggest the same thing it's hard to tell with the focus.
  8. Disclaimer: what I'm about to say could be way wrong. That doesn't look like a bad deal for a desktop humi. My only tip would be to not rely on that analog hygrometer. From what I remember reading, unless you spend a ton of money the analog ones are pretty poor and go out of adjustment. Again I could be wrong. But it seems like a good price for the cedar and it has a spot for RH beads.
  9. I had to do that with my Vinotemp also.
  10. This is exactly what I did, each time I hit up my local shop I asked for a few boxes until I had a bunch. They were glad to give me them. I probably could have taken a ton my first go around as they had a shopping cart full of empties, but I didn't want to be greedy.
  11. I got mine on sale at Target for $249. I got the shelves from a guy named Mtmouse on the puff.com forums. Those cost me $167.26 shipped. You don't need the shelves they are just nice to have. I'd say go for the 28 bottle and a good hygrometer and you'll be good.
  12. The moisture in a basement shouldn't be a problem as long as you keep them sealed up in that cooler. My vote still goes to the 28 bottle. I know you said thermoelectric but just to be sure, only get a thermoelectric. Compressor based units will throw the humidity way off.
  13. Most of the Engadget comment thread is pretty fail.
  14. Awesome work there! Ari will appreciate this too.
  15. See, Dan agrees. It would save money in the long run. Go to a few herfs and shop around, it'll be full in no time. :-P Hell you don't even NEED to buy the cedar shelving. Your local shop will likely give you empty boxes. That's a good idea either way, the cedar will also help keep the humidity stable. So if you go the cooler route just grab some empties and throw them in there along with the beads. I started out with a little cooler thinking it would be plenty and that idea lasted about 2 weeks.
  16. DIY.... Vinotemp wine cooler turned humidor. May be a bit big for you though.
  17. here is a post from page 114 that give's a visual. Stumbled on it on accident. http://www.head-case.org/forums/headphones/785-headcase-stax-thread-141.html#post167193
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