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High Rollers
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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. RIP MF DOOM - https://www.complex.com/music/2020/12/mf-doom-dead-49
  2. So I didn't even know what the Nashville thing was for hours. Guess I didn't hear the news from the locals b/c their internet was out, so they just went and spent time with their families. Now they're all going to get COVID, prolly. #ThanksObama
  3. Happy Satanmas!!!
  4. @Grahame Howcould it really get much worse?
  5. Went shopping (ran out of paper towels the night before we are doing a "nacho bar" for Satanmas dinner. No bueno. Realized I wanted to cook for the first time in months, so I was looking for things to do for breakfast in the morning. Fucking place sold out of biscuits. I bet Colin went and bought them all; that bastard. But 3 pounds of meat, 18 eggs, multiple pounds of cheese (for variety, probably) and a bunch of tortillas means some possibly amazing breakfast burritos. Looking forrward to it! (Still, though... dammit, Colin! @ biscuit dearth.)
  6. I'd say about 4 and a half, maybe 5 bills, easy.
  7. 1) You guys are really making me want to get my bike out; been too long. 27.5x3 for me and x2.8 on Xavier's. 2) Nate, if you didn't know, this is d-_-b. The only thing to decide is black wall or tan wall.
  8. Congrat on being one digit further into ~Middle age!
  9. Done and done.
  10. Can't find any fault in that logic.
  11. So, where do I find a 70GB SSD?
  12. Just when I thought that place couldn't get any shittier...
  13. Listening through speaker rig via Tidal HIFI. RIP, Pedro.
  14. *hugs* So sorry for your loss, Fitz. RIP, Matilda.
  15. @mikeymad, @cetoole and I were planning on having a re-cabling + drinking party during a coinciding staycation week after next. I'm just sayin'...
  16. Sounds like you may benefit from this.
  17. I'd have a hard time passing them up at 900$ CDN. That's what, 420$ USD? Maybe 666$? @cetoole has them set up with an SVS sub and I've spent multiple hours listening; I am a fan.
  18. So sorry for this, Jose.
  19. So sorry for you loss, Jeff.
  20. Hahahahahahaha. The large Alto is what I was referring to when I said it may fit if my head was 37% smaller.
  21. I probably could have gotten it 8$ more off of retail, but that's just b/c I'm even better. But yeah, great price; curious as to what you think. I love sunglasses and sound, and if only my head were 37% smaller, I'd do it.
  22. Heh. Didn't really get a chance to look at anything else, but probably coulda gotten them at a nice discount; alas.
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