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Everything posted by MexicanDragon

  1. Mmmmm.... RGB Apple Logo. Is this the continuation of me going to the dark side?
  2. So old. Hope you buy something fun for your birthday!
  3. Hadn't thought about him in a while, but Dobie Gillis did pop into my head in the past year or two. Didn't expect he was still around, but rermember watching that on Nick-At-Nite for a long time in my youth. RIP.
  4. Hope you bought yourself something great.
  5. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/02/business/john-koss-dead.html RIP John Koss, the guy who got me into this with some Porta Pros back in the 90s. What a legend.
  6. I did grow up with full house, and was of age when The Aristocrats came out. This one hurt a bit.
  7. Bummer that they got too distracted listening to the beautiful, beautiful music to answer
  8. So Slimmer Fingers aren't in stock anywhere; anyone have a line on some they can ship out? Have heard good things about Guitar Tricks and JustinGuitar (or something). Thx for rec.
  9. FTFY about a month ago, so we're good. Grateful, even?
  10. Have a link to “slimmer fingers”? I googled it but I forgot to cut on safe search so… I think I should probably get a bass now, no?
  11. So got this for Satanmas from “the kids.” PRS SE Custom 24 in “Bonnie Pink” Also got a Line 6 Spyder V30 Mk II amp. So… before I learn how to make this thing work, what upgrades do I need?
  12. Ahhh, right. Forgot you prefer vintage gear.
  13. LOVE IT! So, this is a video I found about how to trim and whatnot that I can appreciate. However, I have some products that someone at work recommended that I don't hate. Though, having "folding comb" in your pocket going through security sure as shit looks like a folding knife, so take it out first. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JQ2DLZT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078RZZRH6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Definitely interested in products, though.
  14. Sorry for the rough run of luck, Al, but wanted to let you know that I haven't had a biscuit in weeks; was trying to do my part to keep you safe. Seems like it wasn't enough... G'luck with the beret hunt.
  15. https://www.theverge.com/22689453/ipados-15-home-screen-icons-widgets-grid-features-design Is this annoying the shit out of anyone else?
  16. Happy belated birthyear anniversary!
  17. I loved Norm and love Anthony Jeselnik. They found out during the recording of this about the news. Norm hurts a lot more than most I've seen lately.
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