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About eggil

  • Birthday 03/05/1959

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eggil's Achievements

Limited Edition Bronze Participant

Limited Edition Bronze Participant (4/6)



  1. I started reading it but got bored after a few lines. Bunch of non sense.
  2. eggil


    This is a great story. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Bike riding with grandkids and family around Miramar lake. Beautiful morning. Beautiful day. Merry Christmas!
  4. eggil


    Oh Man! Thinking on the safety of all people there. Thinking of Birgir and his safety.
  5. Henry Kissinger. I will say I will not miss him.
  6. That looks crazy amazing! We had Dave’s Hot chicken today since family members work today and we celebrate it formally tomorrow.
  7. For all Mankind. I’m hooked with this series on Apple plus
  8. I am with you 100%. Enough said.
  9. eggil


    Just read this. Hoping the situation improves and for the safety of everyone there. Glad to hear Birgir is ok.
  10. Thank you Justin. I managed to get a hold on an Elite. Liked it more than the Expanse when I listened to both at CanJam.
  11. ha ha. In my defense, he never did. Or I’m so absent minded that I missed it.
  12. Have you listened to the Meze Elite in comparison with the Expanse? I listened to both at CanJam and both were great. Hard deciding which one I like most.
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