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Everything posted by TMoney

  1. Just finished the Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. Jamisin. Fabulous! Each of the three books won the Hugo award the year it came out. All three are deserving winners. I’d rank this as my second favorite sci-fi series of the last decade after the Three Body Problem books.
  2. TMoney

    Get your game on!

    We actually got a 5-man race in. Forza Horizon 5 on Game Pass. All are welcome to join!
  3. Thanks for the recommendation, CS! Truly some amazing footage. The parts where they came upon other climbers in distress in the dead-zone are extremely harrowing. What a wild athletic achievement. I remember when that Everest photo went viral. To have hit some of those mountains at the precise window for the entire year is a testament to luck, but also to his skill and and the skill of his team.
  4. Oasis - Knebworth 1996 Great live set! Hard to believe it would be all downhill from here.
  5. RIP Stephen. The titan of American musical theater of the last 50 years.
  6. Condolences, Steve. I'm glad it was a peaceful end given all he had gone through.
  7. Happy birthday! Sláinte!
  8. This has been an interesting comparison. After reading on both devices I've made a final decision and am returning one of them. The Kindle is years ahead in terms of software polish. Everything works, the interface is super slick, the store and Goodreads integration are both done to perfection. The e-ink display tuning is just right, the screen refreshes enough that ghosting is never really an issue. The Kobo interface on the other hand has some jank. It'll display content faster than the screen can refresh, there will be ghosting, navigation is clunky. That all being said, once you are actually reading a book instead of navigating, I prefer the Kobo. The bigger screen, seemingly more contrast-y display and seemingly better backlight make it my preferred device for actually reading books. The lack of polish in the Kobo interface doesn't matter once I get font and formatting settings dialed in and start actually reading. So Kindle is headed back to Bezos. It is a great device and I'd recommend it without qualification, but I like the Kobo better and there is no reason to keep both.
  9. Julien Baker @ the Fox Theater in Oakland. Did I mention I'm happy to have live music back? 😁
  10. Like I need any excuse to listen to Kid A and Amnesiac again.
  11. Some great choices! Out of curiosity, are there five non-stats you like above the other dynamics you've heard?
  12. So after being surprised by the quality of Squid Game I decided to give Netflix's other big 2021 hit, Bridgerton, a shot. Bridgerton is actually pretty good! It has the feel of something like Pride and Prejudice, just updated for a 2021 audience. It is worth taking a chance on, IMO. Not everything hits, but there is enough good stuff here to recommend the show.
  13. Thinking Kobo just because I want a designated reader. I don't need a device to take notes on. I had the Kindle Oasis but I gave it to my brother during Corona-lockdown. I think I'll try a Kobo and a Kindle at the same time, keep one and return the other.
  14. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
  15. Also grabbed tickets to see them in February when they come through SF.
  16. Question for the e-reader crowd. Does anyone have experience with any of the Kobo devices? Kobo's recently refreshed lineup looks pretty competitive to the current Kindles.
  17. This is exactly how I use my 16”. It lives on my desk at work during the week with an external 4K monitor and comes home with me on weekends or when I go on the road. I think the biggest thing you’ll miss with laptop + monitor vs iMac is that the iMac will likely have some amazing 27” (or bigger) ProMotion HDR display. The iMac also may get more cores/GPU but these M1 Pro/Max MBPs already fly.
  18. Condolences to Chris, Todd, and everyone else who has lost someone they care about recently.
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