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Everything posted by TMoney

  1. PSA: Be careful if you buy a touch-bar MBP and run boot camp. https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/5e1g37/warning_bootcamp_driver_causing_blown_speakers_in/?st=iw3meaz2&sh=424702c4 My new 15" blew its left speaker over the weekend while I was running Windows 10. Apple does not have the repair infrastructure in place to swap out the blown speaker so they are sending me a new computer. Pretty annoying. One of these days I am going to learn my lesson about being an early adopter.
  2. Why is Astro still here at all? He isn't even adding comedic value.
  3. TMoney


    Oh, baby! I tell you, if I find the time for it I might have to follow Peter's lead and start re-watching from the beginning.
  4. Happy birthday, young man!
  5. He certainly wore the shit out of that ball-cap.
  6. I'm up to episode 5 now. Wonderful show. I really enjoy hearing experts talk about their craft. The best thing I can say about Soundbreaking is that you want each episode and segment to keep going. It is sad when they end.
  7. TMoney

    Vinyl (HBO)

    ^ Agreed. I watched most of it and thought it was a mess. I was not sad to see they killed it off. Anyways, who needs it with Westworld around, right?
  8. TMoney


    Not a bad idea, Peter. I might have to start going back through them as well IMO there is no comparison between WW and Mr. Robot.
  9. TMoney


    Back to black, Amy Winehouse See also: https://tidal.com/album/66636014
  10. Are you moving out of the upper-east side, Kerry?
  11. As with any editorialized list, you can quibble over what should or should not have been on it. The power of many of these images though is undeniable. I'm really glad TIME made the site, even if it is far from a definitive list. I've spent the whole day looking at it.
  12. TIME has a special site up to celebrate the top 100 most influential photographs of all time. http://100photos.time.com I've spent the entire morning reading and watching stuff. Brilliant!
  13. TMoney

    Get your game on!

    I'm going to play DH2 as well at some point, but I think I'll wait till 2017 when it is finally patched up and (relatively) glitch-free.
  14. TAKE ME TO YOUR DONGLES! Dark grey looks amazing in person.
  15. Oh, no... Gwen Ifill. Very sad. RIP. Just saw her at Marin Speaker Series a year or two back and she seemed to be in great health.
  16. TMoney

    Get your game on!

    "Oh, please don't mind me. I am just your friendly neighborhood air-vent inspector here to inspect the air-vents." "When I crouch down I may suddenly go invisible. Don't be alarmed if you can't see me any more." "You may occasionally stumble upon some of your colleagues that I have either knocked-out or killed. If you are angry and feel like searching for me, please do so for a period not to exceed 90 seconds. If you don't find me, please go back to whatever it is you were doing before as if nothing happened." On a serious note though, this is a very entertaining game. If you liked Human Revolution, this is a natural progression from that game. There is some wonky shit, and you end up feeling insanely over-powered even on the tougher difficulty, but on the whole DX:MD is entertaining to play, engrossing, and beautiful to look at. 4/5. Play it for sure if you are a fan of the series. Side note: This has to be the best year for FPS games on record. This, Doom, Overwatch, BF1, COD:IW, Titanfall 2, Uncharted 4.... the list goes on.
  17. I watched that documentary on Leon's collaboration with Elton John on Elton's "The Union" album a few years back and I remember just feeling awful seeing what he had been reduced to. RIP, Leon.
  18. PBS has a new documentary series called "Soundbreaking" that starts this coming Monday night. It could be interesting. Just set my DVR. Link here: http://www.pbs.org/soundbreaking/home/
  19. TMoney

    Burning Amp

    2016 Burning Amp is this Sunday the 13th at Fort Mason. I may have to work that day, but I am going to try an attend. Anyone else thinking of going?
  20. Yeah, I'm in a daze out here as well after staying up late to watch the President-Elect's victory speech. To Mr. Trump's credit, he did an excellent job with it. What makes this so stunning is that less than 24 hours ago I think a ton of us thought the race was finished and that he didn't have a chance. Boy were we ever wrong. No point in whining about it anymore though. He won, and he proved all of us wrong. I do think he might not be quite as conservative as he made himself out to be on the campaign trail, but only time will tell.
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