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Everything posted by TMoney

  1. TMoney

    Get your game on!

    Speaking of Oculus, Michael Abrash's presentation at the end of the Oculus Connect keynote yesterday was very, very cool. His talk was about what VR will look like in 5 years. There is amazing stuff in the pipeline. Link to the VOD below: https://www.twitch.tv/oculus/v/93337462?t=01h28m25s If you are at all interested in VR and where it is going this is must-watch stuff. Abrash is also a very good public speaker.
  2. TMoney

    Get your game on!

    I tried 1 last night and the patch seems to have basically fixed the issues most had been having. It was very playable.
  3. I tried to listen to it last night. With Black Francis' voice long since gone and no Kim Deal I can't say I liked it that much. Listened to half of it and then switched to Bossanova. Much better!
  4. Stereophile review of Utopia. They got it pretty much right as far as I am concerned. The Utopias are a bit of a devining rod. A lukewarm or negative review of them tells me more about the reviewer than anything. I still feel guilty about buying another expensive headphone, but boy do they ever sound fantastic. Apologies for potato-quality screenshots from my phone.
  5. TMoney


    Great first episode! I'm excited to see where they go with it.
  6. My favorite album of theirs. I've probably heard it 50 times by now and it never gets old.
  7. TMoney

    Get your game on!

    Just got this and it seems pretty legit. HC racing crew, I think this is our next game. It doesn't run perfect on PC yet, but it was more than playable for the hour or two I tried it. Wheel support is a nice plus. It also has cross-platform compatibility with the XBox One version in case anyone would rather play on console. Oh, and first thing you need to do when you launch the game is to switch the steering to "sim."
  8. Happy birthday, Mr. Claus!
  9. The Choice: 2016 on Frontline. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/the-choice-2016/ Fascinating and balanced 2-hour bio on the two candidates. Frontline certainly doesn't pull their punches on either. I learned a lot about both Hillary and Donald that I didn't know before. Very highly recommended!
  10. Just got to the airport for a 5 day trip to NY and realized I left my phone at home. Too late now. This is going to be fun. It'll be like going back in time to the 90s. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Just put a deposit down on one of the aforementioned "announcements."
  12. Just chipped in for the two of you. Go get 'em, Lawson boys!
  13. Yeah sure, why not. In for a lossless sub.
  14. Glad to hear you liked them as much as I do. I moved my HD800S to my office and I'm very glad I kept it. The Utopia is the one I'd reach for if they were both together, but having 800S at work and Utopia at home is the best (and most expensive) of both worlds. Gotta give kudos to Jude for being way out in front of the pack on these. Some may boo and hiss, but I think Jude has become the second most important reviewer in the hobby after only Tyll. Jude's calls lately have been spot on.
  15. Thanks, everyone. Losing a beloved family pet is tough but I am glad we were able to give her nearly 19 happy years. It is hard to believe she has been in my family since I was 12-13 years old.
  16. My poor cat, Sushi wasn't feeling well last night so I took her in to the vet this morning. He said her kidneys had failed and that it was her time. Sushi made it to just two weeks shy of her 19th birthday. I am very sad, but she had a good, long life. She was a very good pet to me and my family. RIP, Sushi.
  17. iOS 10/Watch OS 3 Update Day! I don't know why, but updating software on my devices makes me feel happy. Got 10 up on my iPad Pro and 6+ and Watch OS 3 on the watch. No issues to report.
  18. Ah, I see. It is already the 13th down undah. Happy birthday, JWMC!
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