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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Alma Garrett is the babe for me. All that black she wears...teh hawt!!!uno!
  2. Maybe if you lay it on the HA5000.
  3. I'm not sure I agree with this. I agree that it could be confusing, but it could just as easily be solved by making universal players, then people wouldn't care.
  4. How quiet -- I presume the fanless G4 cube is quieter, but...oh, I guess I could just go look around...
  5. Anyone have any opinions on the G4 Mac Cube -- the fanless one?
  6. How is that? I'm seriously tempted to get a Mac mini and a Duet for a computer-as-source setup. Wouldn't hurt that it was capable of doing other things as well.
  7. Oh, yeah, they taste completely different. And that's why I said most people -- it sounded like you were already down to ~1 cup/day.
  8. Yes, absolutely. I am by no means a golden ears, I've referred to myself in the past as "laminate ears".
  9. I just ordered a couple of cases of Fast Lane Tea -- it has more caffeine than regular drip coffee, although less than an espresso. Admittedly, that's the exception, not the rule. You're right, most black teas are a small fraction of the caffeine of most coffees. But I still think Dan's idea is a good one for most people -- ween yourself down to one cup a day, then switch to tea or 50%, then quit completely. The headaches usually only last two weeks, right? (And by that, I mean not continuously, I mean on and off.)
  10. Well, just thinking out loud without doing any actual research, doesn't the iPod dock access the internal data from the iPod digitally? Why couldn't they just mimic what it does?
  11. Alright, who's going to take one for the team and try one of these?
  12. Agreed. And after closer inspection, it looks like they have to modify the iPod, too. Plus, the price is killer. Wadia for $349 or MSB for US$2K? I'm a MSB fanboy, but even I'd go after the Wadia first.
  13. No, not "any" -- a properly set up HT is better than a properly set up 2 channel, the only problem is, that's very hard to do. But I guarantee you, once you hear a nice surround system, and you're tricked into believing you're surrounded by wood sprites (a very nice use of surround in the movie Princess Mononoke), you'd be a believer.
  14. Yup, caffeine withdrawal headaches suck.
  15. Luvbug (my cat) only does headbutts. Great stories.
  16. Yeah, positioning is crucial. I don't remember exactly, but I do remember Dave telling me that it was very important. If you're not getting any bass, you probably need them in deeper, or more aimed straight down your ear canals or something. I forget.
  17. Dusty Chalk


    I honestly don't think it's that, but if it gives you a little thrill to think so, go ahead.
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