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Everything posted by Iron_Dreamer

  1. Obscene, Al! I'm glad you didn't recruit my chicken-wire arms to help set up these beasts. However, perhaps the listening session would have been worth it.....
  2. Have a great time this weekend JP! Lookin' forward to seein' ya next week.
  3. :o:o Holy shit!!! I really hope you make it through this OK. If there is anything we can do to help.....
  4. I was likewise wondering about you, Ken. At least it looks like the fire isn't spreading nearly as badly as it was yesterday. Hopefully you can come through unscathed.
  5. Well the time I heard one, it did nothing to convince me it had capabilities outside of the ~$1k DAC1/Lavry/Apogee et al. realm. Of course it is giant, and nicely built, so the price you have isn't probably too out of whack. Seems to me that if you have to worry that the sound signature isn't your thing, it probably isn't. You know your taste (hopefully).
  6. Installed Vista 64-bit on my main computer, and boy is it a nice little speed upgrade from XP Pro 32-bit. After doing a bit of work and watching most of the WS Game 2, I've been pounding away processing photos from my trip earlier this week.
  7. Not too much to say about the meet that hasn't been said. I still can't believe that 909 managed to wrestle the HD2 away from numbers. It looks like a great venue, and I'm sure that CJ09 is going to be quite spectacular indeed. Pics! Many CD's available to choose from as free door prizes! Blubliss had to start setting up his monster rig early: Which included this most unusual tube... which was only part of the active cable shielding system!!! Frank Cooter also came packing a truckload of towering amps: Smyth Research brought in a bevy of their specialized surround technology What could Ray Samuels possibly have under the veil driving those R10's? Why it's his teensiest amp yet, the Mustang, packing a punch! It was a busy day, so asr had to pull double-duty! While a pair of funky headphones, and no Al (voltron) made JP Nums a bit blue! Eddie Current was well represented, from a duo of Zana Duex: to a Moth Audio classic: and a new amp, coming soon: The DIY table sat empty and alone for most of the day... ...until Edwood decided to reterminate Numbers' AD2000... ...which became a more involved cable surgery than first anticipated There was also a fine looking Darkvoice: Which was amazingly sourced from this hapazard pile of parts spread across two UCLA cafeteria trays: Eventually, time came to tear down the mighty rigs!
  8. Thanks everyone, and I certainly did have a great time amongst friends yesterday and at the meet today.
  9. They are if you're lookin' to buy 'em from me
  10. What do you mean? For a bassier HD650 with "legendary Grado comfort," it's practically a bargain!
  11. Here is a color shot of a different comp from that area. That fist one was an HDR, so I was more focused on preserving the shadow detail. Besides, in real life, there was not a part of that scene truly all THAT dark.
  12. Been there, done that. I honestly don't miss the JPN at all. The L3000 is better built, more comfortable, and just as handsome in its' own way. Both are rare, so to have either one is a bit lucky these days. The only other AT woody I've heard that I can think of a good reason to own along with the L3000 is the W5000 as it has quite a different sound. If you have a chance to get an L3000, by all means take it, because the next chance might be much more expensive, if it happens at all.
  13. HDR'ed the famed "tunnel view" of Yosemite Valley yesterday afternoon:
  14. You do need a better setup to get what either one is capable of. However, I would say the L3000 improves over the W11JPN in the areas you cited. I do think they would be redundant to own, or at least listen to (just keep the JPN in a display case), because the L3000 does what the JPN does well and more. Some might claim that because the L3000 is a better overall performer, the midrange is not as prominent as with the JPN (though I'd say it's every bit as good).
  15. Hilarious! I'd be shocked if anyone's got you beat in this deparment.
  16. At least it wasn't a joint review with a Rudistor...
  17. I think that is mostly spin from politicians who (a) want to appear to be helping, just before an election, and ( are still in the pockets of Wall St. trying divert as much federal money as possible there. I agree that there would likely be a more significant recession, but the idea that it would be a depression is just ridiculous, IMO, in this age of the global economy. A whole lot has changed since 1929. Absolutely! The vast majority of humans are simply to stupid, lazy, and greedy to make a properly functioning democracy work.
  18. So, in other words, not only has this obsession with leverage kept people spending who couldn't afford it, it's kept people in business who had no business being in business. I say time for a serious correction. It might be painful for a while, but it will obliterate all these pathetic businesses that shouldn't exist. It will kick all these idiots out of houses they can't afford, rather than having disciplined taxpayers subsidize them. It will hopefully root out and ruin some of the Wall St. creeps. Why should the people who actually take responsibility for themselves have to take the burden for all those who didn't?
  19. Here is one of ASR's pics after a little tune-up run through CS3 that he asked me to post:
  20. The whole thing just makes me sick. And that many, myself included, saw this coming for many years, is just the capper. It all comes down to greed. Greedy families living beyond their means, raising greedy little brats who grow up to be greedy asshole investment bankers, who grease the hands of greedy asshole politicians on both sides of the imaginary aisle. And no matter the rules or regulations, it will happen again. It always does. It is simply human nature.
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