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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I think you misunderstand slander. I think you misunderstand this forum. I think you should hit pause, relax, and try posting less.
  2. RIP, Mr. McGee. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60019483
  3. We're forecast to only get rain tonight/tomorrow which is a huge bummer and quiet the departure from the bitter cold of the last several days.
  4. A milling machine is what would probably be good for cutting 1/4" aluminum.
  5. The winter rig, built last year as a COVID project before it became impossible to find reasonably priced used bike parts, performed very well. Especially once I realized I was running the tire pressures way too high.
  6. File this under, If you want maximum stupid I am the guy. Feels like -9F was accurate, toes were very cold, otherwise I was appropriately dressed.
  7. That sucks, Greg, and agreed that there's a range of settings on the grinder for a reason and that if it's not even able to function within those settings out of the box, something isn't right. It's pretty absurd of them threaten a restocking fee for a device that isn't working and I'd fight that thru my CC if I were you if they go down that route. I also wouldn't be particularly shy about leaving a detailed review if needed. For now, I'd just move onto the next vendor and grinder and put it behind you as much as possible. Life is too short to be mad at coffee.
  8. ^^ That sounds spectacularly shitty, Greg.
  9. It's currently 0F here, and didn't get above 6F today, with windchills way into the negatives. The dog pretty much told me to fuck off while walking him this morning.
  10. I think Bob was funnier than he often got credit for because a lot of his work was on the softer side of things. In the end what is most terrible to me (so far anyway) is him passing unexpectedly at 65. My comment to my wife was that I’m closer to that age than I am 21 and 21 doesn’t feel all that long ago.
  11. Went a little crazy today and in the morning while I had time I candied some chopped pecans for use later in the day. When I finally had more time, after making dinner, I made maple frosted pecan scones.
  12. Lily answered the call.
  13. Homemade brioche-style French toast on a cold (12F) winter morning with half the house still in quarantine.
  14. Nah, diesel is still sort of moving at those temps. 😁 6+ inches of snow on the ground here and still going.
  15. We've gotten pretty steady snow so far this morning in south-eastern NH, probably 4" or more and it's still going. Honestly, I'm glad. Winters of shitty rainy weather with marginal snow are far more depressing than a proper kick-you-in-the-face brutally cold and snowy affair.
  16. Careful, if it's like some others it's just an advanced assumed tax return that could bite you in the ass in April.
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