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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. We've gotten pretty steady snow so far this morning in south-eastern NH, probably 4" or more and it's still going. Honestly, I'm glad. Winters of shitty rainy weather with marginal snow are far more depressing than a proper kick-you-in-the-face brutally cold and snowy affair.
  2. Careful, if it's like some others it's just an advanced assumed tax return that could bite you in the ass in April.
  3. Aw shit, Todd, that sucks and I'm very sorry for your loss.
  4. Got together with some friends last night at the house, one of which brought pork pies from a tiny market in Methuen, MA that's been making them by hand for over 100 years. I thought one of the leftovers would make a tremendous omelet. I was correct.
  5. From dinner last night, homemade nachos carnitas w/ pico and cheese, served with homemade guac and sour cream.
  6. Egg casserole w/ green chilis and baked french toast.
  7. A very happy birthday to you, Ken!
  8. Cheese and rice that thing is quick.
  9. Like Dan suggested, there are solutions is brewing at home is not. Honestly, I'd rather brew the night before and rely on latent heat and a little reheat at work to bridge the time gap than deal with k-cups. For me it's mostly the insane waste generated by k-cups that rub the most and if no other solution exists for you, maybe get a reusable one and bring good ground coffee in with you.
  10. You lost me at K-cups at work. UNSAT. Make coffee at home, put coffee in thermos. Tell K-cup to fuck off, with prejudice.
  11. Makes two of us. I can never open/view attached vids on HC. Weird.
  12. 1. Not hardly in charge, but we’ll see what the next few months bring for change around here. I have full faith and trust in HR’s ability to completely fuck it up. 2. I think we’re giving the surplus to Australia so you might have to fight a dingo or a kangaroo for one. Does head control work on non-native species? 3. The cutting board came out beautiful, which makes sense given it’s deadly nature. I would love to have a shop big enough to house a planer and jointer but that’s not in the cards. So I’ll have to keep ping ponging for a while and having fun with that.
  13. The last of retirement projects, at least for this week, are complete.
  14. Tonight was a return to non-wood based making. One of the other folks retiring this year (good lord, please make it stop) is one of our electrical engineering techs who's just a cool guy. He's already retired once from being a full time electrician but has been with us for 5 or 6 years. He sits outside my office so we talk quite a bit and I wanted to make sure that he had a unique way to remember the island when he left. So I worked with our CADD department to isolate the AC electrical grid that runs underground on the island that Tom (the retiree) had to work with every day. I reverse engraved it on an acrylic sheet and also used the laser to cut it out before mounting it to a lighted LED base (it came as a kit). Pretty simple project, should make a fun light to have around the house. The worst part of it was polishing out all the fine scratches in the acrylic that were left by trying to remove the burn-off staining that was a result of the lasering. I'm happy with the finished product and think he will be too.
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