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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. RIP Mr Jaffee. Plenty of youthful hours spent reading Mad magazines.
  2. That maple looks amazing with a snot rub!
  3. FWIW, I like the look from the pics.
  4. Have a jazzy day Doug! Cheers!
  5. I still like Tried & True original. I've never experienced the annoyances with it that people complain about. And so easy to update with a new coat
  6. Agreed. And I would probably buy some of your extra doggies if you don't want to throw some onto your dining table or wherever
  7. I'm back to my original answer given your response and Doug's experience.
  8. I would not add a third row if you are doing ¾ holes already.
  9. Moar dogs = moar versatile. Why not?
  10. Maybe try clamping a straight edge squared to the workpiece, and then running the saw against that straight edge rather than using the track. You will probably get through the whole piece and the saw shouldn't be able to tilt.
  11. I never finished the first one but I'm not opposed to revisiting. My brother and sister in law love it.
  12. I have definitely been guilty of improper handling of oily rags in the past but I have been far more careful since building the shop. I'm never going to be lazy about it again after seeing that video.
  13. Sorry for your loss. RIP Zuny.
  14. Thanks folks! Low key day today but Claire is making a Guinness chocolate cake tonight, so that will be exciting enough for this old fart.
  15. That's a winner, Nate! Perfect edges and nicely browned.
  16. Sad. No more Meestah Weeck. 😢 RIP Special Agent Broyles.
  17. Jatoba is also called Brazilian Cherry
  18. Thank goodness you had bananas on hand!
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