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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/2015 in all areas

  1. What a way to make a 25,000th post! n00b **BRENT**
    5 points
  2. Looks good, Jeff. Me - taking the GTI in this week to have the water pump issue sorted and am thinking that I should ask for an extended test drive in the '12 Golf R that they have on the lot.
    4 points
  3. Don't have a wife. Toy hauler car.
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Says the guy who has a wife that pays for his toys (from another member of team kept man)
    2 points
  6. Crappy weekend so no Cars & Coffee this weekend. Ended up spending most of this cloudy, windy day working on the paint of the Subaru. White is going to be a pain in the ass to keep looking decent. The detail job the dealership did was awful so I started over with a wash, clay bar, opt-seal and wax process.
    2 points
  7. I have now wasted time looking at Brent Black's website. Perhaps it's something about the name, idk. I want one. I want to at least take a look at this one one day. 4,000 weaves per square inch. Insane. http://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/08/08/340682706/hes-just-woven-the-worlds-finest-panama-hat-but-who-will-buy-it **BRENT**
    1 point
  8. Something like With this hidden among them ?
    1 point
  9. But Jeff doesn't dig hippie chicks.
    1 point
  10. It definitely looks good, Jeff, but aren't toy hauler vehicles supposed to be dirty and a bit banged up? Gives you more cred with the ladies with similar toy interests...
    1 point
  11. Went last night/this morning to see the lead singer of my favorite band, The Chameleons UK. Mark Burgess, touring as ChameleonsVox, did a fantastic show of their entire first album, plus another 1+ album's worth of additional Chameleons material. Many of us have "that band" that eclipses others, for me it's the Chameleons, even though I got into them late in their original incarnation in the 80's (I just missed their last US tour in 1987, didn't get to see them as a group until a 2001 reunion). Met up with a couple I had met via a mailing list in the 90's and kept in touch with, along with a local musician acquaintance who will join the band for 3 nights because of the main guitarist's mom passing away in England. And also reconnected with another list-member who I hadn't chatted with since the early-90's. This was the last time Mark will tour apparently, it was a tremendous show with a ton of energy and joy. Three separate encores beyond the main show. I'm at work and pretty exhausted now, but still filled with the energy and light from an amazing show!
    1 point
  12. My Peterson clip-on strobe tuner just got delivered. I dont have words....it's a completely different guitar now... My korg mic tuners were thrown off by the furnace or something.
    1 point
  13. Can I post this here? A little project we've been tinkering with.
    1 point
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