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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2018 in Posts

  1. Seared Peking duck breast, foie gras ravioli with morels and Shrimp Clemenceau and lobster velouté Sticky toffee cake with caramel
    6 points
  2. Packaging the THAT340 boards today since I had some time. There's extra in case anyone wants extra sets
    4 points
  3. "Does your dog bite?" "No. Worse. He judges you."
    2 points
  4. Last night, had my first Wisconsin Door County fish boil! Setting up and boiling the potatoes and onions The Talk from The Master Boiler Showing the freshly caught fish Dunking the fish The final Boil Over Servin’ it up Cherry pie a la mode
    2 points
  5. I need something besides IKEA bookshelves to keep my CDs in. Do any of you have anything that has a high WAF? Can be mounted to the wall or stand alone. I think I'll probably keep about 600 CDs. The other option is to chuck them all.
    1 point
  6. Dreadful though this is, it was alas inevitable. The Hawaiian island chain was all formed volcanically, with continental drift moving successive islands away from the vent. Once they drift away, the volcano produces a new island from the ocean floor - and that is the island that is active - as above. Etc. etc. So the better/safer place to live is any of the other of the Hawaiian islands. But even so, my heart goes out to all those whose lives have been ruined, and who have lost absolutely all their possessions.
    1 point
  7. Great lookin' bc page too (sucker for fractals)!
    1 point
  8. Long time lurker here but thought I’d creep out and say hope you enjoy your retirement Tyll, you were one of the few voices I trusted in this space. Thank you for all your hard work
    1 point
  9. Nice work Dusty! Loved the Ableton/Massive Star Trek one. I've seen lots of soft synths on the monitors in tv show backgrounds over the years. Easy pickin's I guess.
    1 point
  10. Oh, man the Star Wars ones had me in tears!!
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. They’re laughing at us because he’s still in office regardless of all the bullshit they cop to in the video. Fuck all of them.
    1 point
  13. Enjoy your retirement Tyll. You are maybe the most important people that makes me love this hobby. If you ever Want to come to Turkey, you have a place here.
    1 point
  14. Once I’ve tested everything, we can run a group buy.
    1 point
  15. let's not go all singlepower on the tube rolling
    1 point
  16. Shocking that these parts were obsoleted. The number of truly low-noise bipolars (or matched pairs) is shrinking. All for the convenience of the customer company.
    0 points
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