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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Carl Stalling had as much to do with my education in classical music as my mother, if not more. "You say that like it's a bad thing." &c.
  2. 3 days?!?!? FFFFUUUUUUUUUU... Mine's an hour, and I sometimes feel I'm the only one who takes it seriously. I had a guy constantly haranguing me to help him circumvent security so he could print stuff out. I reported him. He doesn't work here any more.
  3. Not going to argue with any of that. I, too, thoroughly enjoyed it; I, too... Started this:
  4. I wonder if they took into account the windflow created by the helicopter's propellers in the calculations leading up to that jump. </nerd>
  5. Happy birthday, Todd! (party favour noise)
  6. Did you know "Bathtime in Clerkenwell" had lyrics?!?!? link
  7. Earlier today: Nando's Pork Chop -- really enjoying it this time! Maybe I put too much on last time -- this time I only put on a splash. Also helps that I didn't overcook it. Now: Making a second one.
  8. LOL, I usually get those stupid "your shirt makes you look fat" ads, now I get "Norlan whisky glass" ads. Thanks!
  9. Oh, nice, thank you. Even comes in different materials so I can colour-code them. Perfect!
  10. I have, and it's amazing. Easily my favourite work of his. IT DOES REQUIRE PATIENCE. Right up there with Music for Animals by Nils Frahm, if you're familiar with it.
  11. I want multiple pepper mills with handles, as I've become a bit of a black pepper and related snob connoisseur -- I have a thing of Phu Quoc black, Phu Quoc white, Phu Quoc red, pink peppercorns (which are really berries, so gum up the burrs 'n' stuff), regular black (mostly tellicherry, but some are undesignated), timut...or should I go electric? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  12. I've heard too many horror stories: Don't let them check your bass! Also, Steinberger make a nice headless and bodyless bass. I have one. It was very popular in the late 80's? Geddy Lee played one for a short while. There are multiple threads like this on TalkBass: https://www.talkbass.com/threads/renting-bass-versus-flying.1567076/page-2#post-26555314
  13. That scene was the best! Her eyes are so wonderfully expressive. And when she has that Mona Lisa hint of a smile when the sprinklers start... And the girl who plays Enid is such a perfect foil for her.
  14. That was spectacular. Next year, it's Mapo Tofurkey. 😁
  15. buldalg-ijiman-chilmyeonjo (so really, bulchilmyeonjo) fire chicken but turkey (so really, fire turkey)
  16. It doesn't get much handier in size than the Pico Power -- those are 1/8" jacks on the front. Funny you should mention the DT880 -- I use my Pico Power with the DT1770. Also, it comes in purple.
  17. What amp are you using? Amps make a world of difference, when it comes to bass. The Headamp Pico Power does a wonderful job of controlling the bass to the point of bondage and discipline, with a dominatrix's hand. ...not that I've ever experienced that.
  18. Happy birthday! (party favour noise)
  19. Happy kimchi day! Yes, really.
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