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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. I've never heard any LS50, but I've never loved any of the KEF's I've owned. Ric, sounds like you're in my camp if they're still sitting in a box.
  2. Terrible news, Jeff. Sorry to hear it.
  3. Stretch! What wonderful news! Happiest of birthdays! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Disappointing and surprising. Doesn’t the built-in streamer run Linux? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Sherwood


    Obviously we do, how else would we wear out phono cartridges? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Sherwood


    All these dumb vinyl resurgence articles always neglect to mention what percentage of people buying LPs actually listen to them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I’m not the last word in pros here, but I would put 57s on each amp so you can set your own mix. Vocals into an amp is not ideal, it would be better to have vocals into a mixer and then wedges on stage to monitor, but talent wants what talent wants. If the vocals share an amp with a guitar your levels there are out of your control, but I’d still close mic that then put an omni out for crowd noise and possibly some ambience on vocals.
  8. Come at the king, you best not miss. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Sherwood

    Podcast Thread

    I just listened to the first episode of “Winds of Change”,@dsavitsk, and I’m hooked. His description of information security runs very close to my experience working in highly classified spaces — there is no “all access pass” to the good stuff. Lots of times the people who know the good stuff have no idea how good it is. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I’m perpetually aboard the DAC train, looking for a way off. My current operating theory is that enlightenment lies in feeding high bit rate DSD from Roon via HQPlayer to the cheapest DAC that technically works. I will update the dacses faithful once I realize that theory is wrong. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Neither do I, so I listen to those who do. I suppose the other approach is to just not care about things you don't understand.
  12. Roon gives me back a lot of the ritual, but I also think the world has changed and I've changed with it. I can force myself to sit with an iPad as controller and listen to full albums, but I'm not as comfortable doing it as I am listening with less of my attention. My preference for how to listen deliberately is to fullscreen Roon, lock everything into exclusive mode so I don't get system sounds, then occupy my restlessness by reading Roon's equivalents of liner notes like lyrics, reviews, associated artists, etc. If you've not tried Roon, it's not cheap but it's a great experience.
  13. It's a Nordost Odin left in Patrick's root cellar for 98 days, then cut with a serrated knife, hand woven into a nine-strand litz, and terminated with proprietary plugs cut off display Galaxy Notes at a local Orange shop. The mic itself is unimportant, the sound is all in the cable.
  14. You can find all of Spritzer’s products on his site: https://mjolnir-audio.com/
  15. Just terrible to hear, Al. So sorry for the Bedecarre family this evening.
  16. Thank you for the links, Doug. To lose someone so unique and prolific at the height of their output is a real gut punch.
  17. Helpful information, gentlemen, thanks. I’ve not found any lono transformers with the right windings yet, but I did find a 500W Plitron step down converter that handles 220v-110v here: https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32979526968.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.58bb3e80yKcyh9 I’m always leery of Aliexpress, but does that look genuine to you?
  18. The 220v - 110v step down transformers your tax dollars bought me have an audible 50Hz hum coming from the transformer and it’s driving me crazy. I’d like to source an alternative low-wattage (under 200) unit that will be dead silent for my listening room, but I’d like to know for sure it’s silent before I ship it all the way to Moldova and plug it in. Any d-_-b recommendations?
  19. Sherwood

    Get your game on!

    I just preordered Cyberpunk from GOG for like $30. It’s some kind of Polish patriotic deal, and we win big time. If you haven’t bought it yet I’d suggest taking a look.
  20. I’m interested in your opinions. It appears to tick a lot of boxes for audio geeks, but the long build time and relative obscurity put me off.
  21. Bryan, I know you specified vintage but there are some good modern R2R dacs. Take a look at the Denafrips Ares II, for example https://www.vinshineaudio.com/product-page/denafrips-ares-r2r-dac
  22. I'm a sucker for Stephenson stuff, even his more navel-gazey work really does it for me. Fall is perhaps not the place to start if you're not already a fan, but I just find his thought process and world-building compelling. I did not enjoy it as much as Seveneves, and Diamond Age remains my favorite of all his books. I did prefer it to Reamde. The reviews are a little harsher but similar in tone to those of Seveneves. Normies don't like 600+ pages of exposition from a layman on fringe tech with their speculative fiction, maybe? I just discard out of hand any review which mentions Snow Crash.
  23. I liked sonarworks when I used JRiver, but since switching to Roon I haven't figured out how. Is anyone here more knowledgeable in this regard?
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