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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. I liked sonarworks when I used JRiver, but since switching to Roon I haven't figured out how. Is anyone here more knowledgeable in this regard?
  2. Agreed, I'm a big fan. Honestly, I didn't even need the creatures and mansion, though I am sure they'll add intrigue. The sense of total foreboding, of setting out into a hostile and uncharted world was palpable, all the more so because it's actually a world I am comfortable in but the characters were not. It's done more to take me out of myself than most horror/fantasy I've seen recently, and I'm a genre devotee. Full marks. That they should so handily embrace the mythos and confront the bigot who wrote it is an added narrative benefit. There could not have been a better moment for this show, and it wears its timeliness with confidence. Also, and please don't let this distract from the above, Jurnee Smollett is hot.
  3. Sherwood

    Get your game on!

    I have spent all the money necessary to play MSFS, and the parts are all winging their way to me now. I'm hopeful I'll have everything sorted by next weekend.
  4. I switched from Logic to Ableton five years ago and I feel pretty comfortable in it. I watch plenty of tutorials and still think "ho-lee-shit. That's how they do that." all the time, but that's part of the fun. I use it on Windows, which is total blasphemy and I understand if none of you want to talk to me ever again.
  5. Here’s an excerpt: ”Being as frank as I was first review around I was very sceptical about these types of audio tweaks being pretty sceptical until I tried the previous tweak from Coconut Audio, the Vibradome Blue Star, the placing of which on several audio components made an easily audible difference.” Maybe he’s just not a native thought-haver?
  6. In that case, I'd budget for curtains.
  7. Not a one smoothie has come even close to killing me, and I still never make them. Your stubborn devotion to blending overripe bananas with potentially-lethal mystery powders is noble and insane, knucks.
  8. Why go to the trouble to put such a nice system in your kill room?
  9. I love Fang. Did I ever tell you guys about the time he rear-ended me in Tianjin and then had his wife's dad fix my car while I took painting lessons at his expense?
  10. It’s fantastic, Greg, thank you. I got a case of Moldova-specific varietals like Rara Neagra delivered last night and started loading up the cellar. I also grabbed the “delectable” app to start keeping track of what I’ve tried.
  11. ^^ This is fantastic advice, as per usual.
  12. I will of course visit, but I doubt many of those bottles are any good.
  13. It's Ableton live or nothing. I find the best online instruction for Ableton, lately.
  14. Friends and Mentors, I recently moved overseas to Moldova, a country where 70% of the population is economically dependent in some way on the wine industry. The wines themselves are not very well known internationally, but their primacy in their own country means that wine is consumed at virtually every meal and imported wine is essentially nonexistent. Domestic wine is both a huge business and a central part of culture here. One perk of my housing here is a 1000-bottle subterranean wine cellar, which currently sits empty. I am not well-versed in wine, but considering all the above and an average price of $6 a bottle on the local economy now seems like the perfect time to learn. I've known you all to be fine ladies and gentlemen, and I'm in need of some advice. Do any of you have suggestions on apps I should be using, things I should be trying, or traditions I should be observing while I attempt to educate myself and fill this thing up?
  15. On the go it's airpods pro. They're wildly convenient, though hardly great-sounding. At home it's HD800s, vintage Grado RS-1s, or JH13s if I need privacy. Looks like the Raals are the new hotness, so I will probably grab those.
  16. I'm interested. Seems like these headphones are the new hotness.
  17. I missed my window by a little bit, but even a day late you're the best, Al!
  18. Aww guys gang! This is so sweet of you all! I'll come back and hang out.
  19. Sounds great, Steve! My affection for you continues to grow.
  20. Looks great, Doug. Goodbye, torpedo shape!
  21. Bol sans, kardesim. Whatever you're selling, I'm buying.
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