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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2015 in all areas

  1. Needs a tourbillon minute repeater draped over each bottle! Didn't actually do any damage at all, but it was nice to look. Then went to Gordon Ramsay and ate the following. None of it looked like a dogs breakfast and nobody called me a "fucking donut", which was slightly disappointing. Didn't take pictures of everything, but the cheese trolley was truly worthy ...
    4 points
  2. Hmmm had a post typed and it didn't go through for some reason... Anyhow, the amp was in gestation for some 9 months. Last December I bounced some ideas off of Doug for an amp for the JH16s but kinda fizzled out over time. This past summer I got a new roommate who studies at home as well so I couldn't use the speakers anymore to watch lectures or listen any music. Approached Doug again to design/build something that I couldn't head the noise floor of which had been the issue with all the amps I had tried in the past. Happy to report that I don't hear anything that I am not supposed to with this amp. Doug calls it the DB3 - Diamond Buffer V3 and man does it buffer the shit out of whatever it is buffering. I gave full creative control of the amp to Doug and was very pleasantly surprised to open up the box. I had not seen any pictures of the amp prior. Was going to wait for finals to be over to plug it in but he mentioned something about a blue led so had to try. JH16s have never sounded better. Hooray for Doug
    4 points
  3. Can't eat it but picked up a little something from Meester Doug from the mail room a few minutes ago.
    4 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Next stop was here. What's the worst that could happen?
    2 points
  6. Refill time on the Elijah blend.
    2 points
  7. Yes. He told me later that it didn't taste so good but didn't want to hurt my Mom's feelings by saying so. I had a small bite just to see if I still didn't like it, since it's been so long. Confirmed. Still nasty. You're brave... just looking at it was unpleasant to me. Congrats CJ! Looks so cool with the blue light. I'll bet it sounds great! Doug is great to work with. The only downside being that he's so hard on himself that you start feeling guilty for torturing him so much.
    2 points
  8. Meanwhile ... https://twitter.com/50nerdsofgrey
    2 points
  9. Thanks all! I had a great day and am learning not to mind being an old fart.
    1 point
  10. Happy Birthday Stretch! Follow paternal longevity advice!
    1 point
  11. you guys and your crimping are too corporate for me, fight the power
    1 point
  12. How could it not be fantastic?
    1 point
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