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Everything posted by grawk

  1. raid 10 and raid 1 should have exactly the same protection penalty...
  2. https://eshop.macsales.com/item/OWC/TB3QMLR00GB/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shoppingengine&utm_campaign=googlebase&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4L2BBhCvARIsAO0SBdb5BSgSmBEGm-IPYygyH-m1jXLpxyERLVJwj0SEISfypAVvIa1m61EaAlVKEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  3. I made etouffée, but didn't take pictures. Then I drank heavily and watched true blood til I passed out.
  4. you'll never regret having a 240v circuit in your garage. Have them put in 2, while they're doing it.
  5. https://levercraftcoffee.com/products/levercraft-ultra-grinder For the budget minded version of that.
  6. I'm still a fan of my niche grinder. Tho occasionally I have to pull the K30 back out of storage, for particularly hard light roasted coffee.
  7. is that one of the active arm denons, like the Sony biotracers? I've heard good things about those. *edit nope, according to google. Sorry for your loss.
  8. who are you trying to convince? Did you post it elsewhere too so that it wasn’t a complete waste of time and effort?
  9. grawk

    The Wire

    John Waters was my favorite thing about Baltimore. I met him at a screening of the Hateful Eight.
  10. grawk

    The Wire

    the wire is a great optimistic look at life in Baltimore
  11. Jeff, Sony came out with a new camera for your podcast: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1619483-REG/sony_alpha_mirrorless_digital_camera.html?sc_src=email_2476&sc_lid=355549&sc_uid=pcBxVCbSGr&sc_llid=557541&sc_customer=A8DF96A8D886A83B07ABE6FC9C1EA2897E0CADC5A4EE30BD3F3C007F6EFDF313&utm_medium=Email 2476&utm_campaign=Announcement+Emails&utm_source=210126_ANN_ANN_Sony 20210126&utm_content=&utm_term=IMAGE+Sony-01-26-2021-hf_04-02.jpg&encEmail=A8DF96A8D886A83B07ABE6FC9C1EA2897E0CADC5A4EE30BD3F3C007F6EFDF313
  12. Unfortunately we haven't had an automated welcome pm in a decade. Anyway, the post was fine, but don't expect others to give you what you're looking for.
  13. I'm guessing from your post that you haven't actually read the content here.
  14. prime ribeye, black rice, and the cheapest frozen veggie medley at the grocery store.
  15. I watched Munsters more as a kid. I appreciate Addams way more as an adult.
  16. my kid's pretty happy with the feel on his Kawai MP11
  17. i appreciate the commentary. i’m not commercial yet, but I’m about to take the next step. Once I’m comfortable with the new roaster i haven’t ordered yet I’ll be able to do about 20 lbs a week for sale.
  18. grawk

    Get your game on!

    there should be play through videos shortly
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