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What did you do today?


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Yesterday I got all of my cabinet doors hung and drawer fronts on, including mounting all of the handles. My father got the pantry and coat closet doors hung, as well as drywalling the inside of the closets. And my mother got another coat of paint on the underside of the loft. All in all, a good day. I think the end of the kitchen renovation is in sight!

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The Ikea stuff would be tough to do w/out handles... The European hinges and small gaps would leave little to grab.

Anyway, progress photos:




I still have some adjusting to do to clean up the gaps and get the doors all even. But at this point, counter tops, backsplash, range hood, flooring and some miscellaneous trim (and a new fridge) and things will be in damn good shape.

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I hope that's cause for celebration?

Not after I realised that I'd managed to miss 2 typos, one of which is so glaringly stupid and obvious that its fucking shameful. I'm also not happy with the content, 10,000 words was a difficult limit to work to and I had to shave a lot of what I wanted to say off. I was editing it right up till the last minute which is the only reason I could have managed to end up with a reference to an object and not include the noun. :palm::palm::palm::palm::palm:

I've been awake too long now, the whole world has gone all soft and fuzzy. I'm going to the supermarket for something extremely unhealthy for tea and then im going to Luvians to buy something rich, dark, strong and delicious, maybe a porter.

Then I'm going to sit and get drunk and watch all of the BSG since they got to Earth in one go now that its finished.

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Yesterday I got all of my cabinet doors hung and drawer fronts on, including mounting all of the handles. My father got the pantry and coat closet doors hung, as well as drywalling the inside of the closets. And my mother got another coat of paint on the underside of the loft. All in all, a good day. I think the end of the kitchen renovation is in sight!

What are you putting on the floors and counters?

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Awesome sink!

X3. I'm definitely having a kitchen envy here. I can't wait till we re-do our entire kitchen, but that will be few years down the road after we take care of more pressing needs, like new furnace, new roof, etc.

Oh, and as for what I did today, just finished taking off the fugly wallpaper from our soon-to-be guest room.

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Not after I realised that I'd managed to miss 2 typos, one of which is so glaringly stupid and obvious that its fucking shameful. I'm also not happy with the content, 10,000 words was a difficult limit to work to and I had to shave a lot of what I wanted to say off. I was editing it right up till the last minute which is the only reason I could have managed to end up with a reference to an object and not include the noun. :palm::palm::palm::palm::palm:

Congrats on the dissertation! You always expect to feel celebratory after finishing, but I found myself just feeling really flat for a couple of weeks. You pour your heart and soul into it, concentrate on that one thing so hard, and then it is gone.

Be thankful for the word limit though..... my PhD thesis ended up being just shy of 65k words :(

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Thanks everyone. I'm loving how things are coming along. The sink is great, as is the faucet with the industrial-looking sprayer. And I love the doors and handles. It's hard to believe I've doubled the footprint of the kitchen!

Due to budget constraints, the counter is going to be 12"x12" black granite tile instead of solid. But I'm going groutless @ the joints, so it should look pretty good. And the black looks amazing next to the glass mosaic tile for the backsplash.

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I'll have to look into larger tiles. Fewer joints would definitely clean up the install and look great.

The floor's getting this. Again, trying to balance the look & my budget. I really like the combination of the black and lighter grain. The flooring is easy enough replace if it doesn't wear well.

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sigh....well one of my Western Digital 1.5TB drives seems to have failed. Everything was installed this weekend. Pretty quick lifespan :palm:

I'd actually rather it happen right away though, for ease of exchange.

Sorry to hear about that as well. Those WD drives are hit and miss. I have some too and they either fail real quick like yours or last a while. I hope you get your exchange quickly.

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Got up early and finished installing OSX on my desktop (Dell Dimension).

Installed fine but ran into trouble getting it to boot around the Windows Boot Manager.

Added it to my boot menu but I have to point it to the right drive/partition when I get home from work.

I have not touched a Mac since college about 15 years ago. Back in the days of Windows 3.1.

Looking forward to checking it out.

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