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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2015 in all areas

  1. Pretty damn good for a first attempt at a proper Texas Brisket Fairy brisket. Alden wanted to move into the cooler from the aroma. Brisket gloves required Thanks for the guidance Naaman!
    4 points
  2. salutations dear friend i had not noticed this topic or i would have posted sooner. a good note on spiritual experiences, although your post is missing a few key verbs to maintain proper structure of a sentence, that said i will assume you meant one can't expect their serenity to be contingent on anything in this world due to impermanence, yet if you determine the value of your spiritual experience by what you gain from it, wouldn't that cut a hole in your argument as both the value and experience are even further abstracted from reality or permanence as they are a product of subjective analysis, thus the journey is nothing but the appraisal of the overall experience... thus we find ourselves stuck between an endless loop of sorting every experience to sort them neatly into 2 bins...
    2 points
  3. It was not a tailor made case and I am not as talent as Kerry who modified the design with sm parts I trimmed the boards a bit and they were tightly fitted. The bottom plate was used as a heat sink for power supply (Spritzer's PS boards are intended to be fitted this way).
    2 points
  4. too bad it's a 2004, I would need a 97, 99, 02, or 06, to be able to buy it for my kids
    2 points
  5. I have the all-ett nylon inside-id wallet. It's the slimmest wallet I've had. Durable too. I'm very happy with it and would buy another/recommend.
    1 point
  6. I don't disagree, I was merely pointing out that English allows for nuanced levels of disapproval. However, if I were to criticize you ... Don't neglect your sleep But feel free to vent May your bacon always be flat.
    1 point
  7. bringing this down to a practical level its funny how I sometimes catch myself forming an internal narrative of an experience while I'm experiencing it. This happens most often at live music, I'm having this amazing time and I find myself in my head forming the narrative of how I'll tell my friends about this afterwards, so I stop living in the moment and instead start living in the future moment when I'll be talking about this present moment. I have to give mysellf a mental slap to bring myself back to the present and just experience what is happening all around me. I thought of this when I read what you are saying regarding the journey becoming the appraisal of the journey, and that definitely isn't what I want. I just want the journey. But even the preceding statements sure have a lot of "I's" and "wants" in them if ego dissolution is the goal. Fuck it, I'm having fun though. And my bacon be flat as hell.
    1 point
  8. think back about who it is that defends you here before you decide to fly off the handle over some minor picking...
    1 point
  9. I completed my Carbon using boards from Spritzer. I wanted one small amp next to my bed. It is compact. A lot of heat is coming out from it. I am considering to make a second one with bigger heat sinks. I think I deserve a big cup of tea, don't I?
    1 point
  10. Come on (pun intended), in all that time you stayed here? Further action shots And now it's wrapped up in the magic pink fairy paper. Anxiously awaiting the results.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. I don't remember leaving any fairy sauce at Mayberry.
    1 point
  13. I don't like this new software. Where the fuck is the preview button? >.< Jury duty with Dubya. Snoqualmie Pass, WA. Click for slightly larger.
    1 point
  14. Dutifully spritzing with Fairy Sauce hourly. This pic just moments ago pre-spritz
    1 point
  15. Lamb Shoulder with Thai Garlic Chili Sauce
    1 point
  16. Welcome ‌@4tray! welcome to headcase new friend. showers of joy for you sir or ma'am, showers of joy. we are ready to discuss headpone! early in your meditation journey you will no doubt think the moments of oneness and connectedness and joy you feel are the point of the meditation process. however, these are just another thing you can become attached to. William James put it best in his work "The Varieties of Religious Experience", paraphrasing here, but basically the only way you can determine the authenticity of a spiritual experience are by the fruits of said experience. So if you are still a miserable asshole after said "spiritual experience" then really its not much of a spiritual experience is it? Regardless, the point isn't to have these experiences, since so many of them are impermanent (which is really what the Buddha meant when he said "all life is suffering". suffering is probably a poor translation, I think the real idea is that nothing in life is permanent, so you can't all your serenity to be contingent on anything in life, including these moments we call spiritual experience), the question instead you need to ask your is what is the journey? also scroll up a bit for my flat bacon trick!
    1 point
  17. Now why would I do that Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Just tried out a pair of push-pull output transformers on the output. These guys: They're 8k CT : 16/8/4 rated for 15W/80mA on a core just a bit larger than the SRD-7 stepups, but only have a primary inductance of 11H or so. I was expecting the bass to suck, but the SR-X is happily (?) driving a pair of KEF LS50s now. Might mount them to the box and add an output selector.
    1 point
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