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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2016 in Posts

  1. I found out that I probably don't have testicular cancer (I likely won't know for sure until early December, due to the vagaries of insurance and getting appointments). I also chatted with a very attractive pen enthusiast, in my age group, and I have a date set up for Saturday. On most days, this would have been a positive one, on balance.
    8 points
  2. Caesar's salad Then Pork loin Saltimbucca for me, Pumpkin Ravioli for Anne
    5 points
  3. Combine the president elect's views and the facts that my wife is a minority, my mother is disabled, and my sister is gay... I'm calm like a bomb.
    4 points
  4. Short Rib Omelette with Potato Pancake. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  5. I always thought that "veiled unless amped properly" just meant "like most headphones, they sound best when properly amplified."
    4 points
  6. My office is acting like 9/11 just happened. I caused some confusion and apprehension when I wore a red jacket to work. I have a blue one as well. I didn't get the memo we're banning colors now. #snowflakes
    2 points
  7. Yeah, I'm in a daze out here as well after staying up late to watch the President-Elect's victory speech. To Mr. Trump's credit, he did an excellent job with it. What makes this so stunning is that less than 24 hours ago I think a ton of us thought the race was finished and that he didn't have a chance. Boy were we ever wrong. No point in whining about it anymore though. He won, and he proved all of us wrong. I do think he might not be quite as conservative as he made himself out to be on the campaign trail, but only time will tell.
    2 points
  8. Left work early. In a total funk today. Just didn't see this coming. Never thought I'd be embarrassed to be an American.
    2 points
  9. The reason I like VTGs and JH13s is they sound basically as good straight from my iphone as from most amps.
    2 points
  10. Voted. (I did not vote for rat poison.) Walked to my polling place. Had a margarita on the way back. Changed my Avatar. Again. Went to the doctor, got a thumbs up for the improvement, told his assistant that I really enjoyed her singing last time, I think that put her off, though, she got all formal. I hope I didn't make her feel too uncomfortable, I was trying to encourage her singing, it made for a really pleasant experience for me last time. Oh well...
    2 points
  11. I've always thought that was a terrible description of the HD 650. Even those that used the term "veiled" talk about the great resolution of the 650. Well, which is it? Veiled would tend to describe a sound that blocks certain dynamics, and I've never seen the 650 given negative marks for dynamics. I think the whole thing started when the 650 came out and was more bass oriented than the 600 predecessor. Some idiot described that as veiled, and it stuck. I happen to prefer the less bass oriented 580/600, but the 650 is an excellent pair of headphones that gives up nothing in dynamics as compared to the 580/600.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. How about a Eurofighter jet engine and four rocket motors. Plus a 750HP racing engine to drive the peroxide pump that dumps 1000 litres in 20 seconds into the rockets. 135,000HP for 0-1000mph in 55 seconds covering 5.5 miles. And 500-1000 in 17 seconds once the rockets are lit. Maximum deceleration of 3g during braking. Glorious, glorious madness. My name is on the fin (along with a gazillion more) http://www.bloodhoundssc.com/
    2 points
  14. I feel sorry for you guys. Trump did it. Yea they are all wrong choices, and both in Turkey and USA, elections are like choosing the least bad one in a pool filled with shitholes but still... TRUMP ffs. Anyway I picked up my recabled and socketed R-50 from shipment office today. And found out the itching area under my belly button caused by stress cuz of incoming military service health control. Normally they should not take me under arms for I have bipolar type 1. But hey! It's Turkey.
    1 point
  15. Different sources of beans here in the UK, and many artisan roasters run by two or three people. Started with http://www.uecoffeeroasters.com/ , then went to https://www.beanberrycoffee.com/ and my current favourite is http://www.monsoonestates.co.uk/ . Currently drinking Monte Rosa (Guatemala) and anything from an Ethiopian cooperative (several kinds that come and go).
    1 point
  16. I forgot about, Friday Night In San Francisco. I might like that one the best. So many...
    1 point
  17. I don't have a favourite. He has too many perfect ones. And even Splendido Hotel -- with its horrific roller rink background music of "I Can Tell" -- is such an otherwise wonderful album, that I forgive it that one mar. But yeah, that's one of 'em.
    1 point
  18. No, I remember even before , the HD600 was considered veiled unless you amped it properly . I don't consider one more veiled than the other .
    1 point
  19. It took me 2 hours, but i got one. But now I'm not sure if I want it. That said, having a backup for my 580s is not a bad thing.
    1 point
  20. I never thought the HD650 was veiled or dark. I just thought they were a bit bassier than the HD580 and 600, as you say.
    1 point
  21. This entire thread is making me feel nostalgic... and old.
    1 point
  22. That is definitely not how Massdrop mostly works. I interviewed with them for a job, in 2014, and got the express tour. The business, behind the scenes, is quite different from how it appears, on its face. Keep in mind that Ireland is a big part of the descriptor for these phones. It's not cheap to manufacture things there, anymore, and hasn't been for years. Sennheiser almost certainly produced a big lot of components, and has been doling them out. Also keep in mind that the largest part of Sennheiser revenue is not audiophile products.
    1 point
  23. I'm sure there will be more than a few "used" pairs available in a few months.
    1 point
  24. I had sum a them, but I had to get that P to S adapter cable to make 'em sound right.
    1 point
  25. Agreed with Penelopez... for me: HD600 > HD650 > K501 > K601 > K701 >>> T1 >>(near here is the cutoff where headphones need to be hurled into the sun)>>>>>>>>>>>> DT990 > DT770 > K240 Sextetts > Grado GS1000/PS1000 > any Ultrasones. That Beyer treble is a real killer And now I'm just going to unsee this thread to keep from getting in on the Massdrop. Good luck, Dusty
    1 point
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