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Everything posted by EdipisReks1

  1. Germans? You aren't contractually obligated to express your disdain whenever you don't give a shit about something, you know.
  2. You need to get your hearing checked, then. It's basically "ow." It's not quite the same thing, but that's why I said "basically." Go talk to people.
  3. I minored in German at University, and took 7 years of German language instruction, before that. If there is one thing I know how to pronounce, it's "auf." Or you can just look it up on the internet: You should definitely talk to the girl, though.
  4. All of the things you mention are basically an "ow" sound, in "standard" high German. Audi is ow-dee, not aah-dee. Bauhaus is bow-hows, not baa-haas.
  5. Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Tidal (I know Shelly is a fan of that one). I don't know if any are high-resolution, but Tidal is lossless, I believe.
  6. "Shart butt" is the worst flavor of DQ's "Blizzard Ice Cream Dessert Shake."
  7. BTW; everybody who gave me shit on my opinion of the Utopias can look forward to a Llama eating their favorite sweater, because I paid for a hex from one of the witches in Macbeth. Note that I didn't give a time table; given enough time, a Llama eating your favorite sweater is a given.
  8. It very well might explain why I had such a negative reaction; I tend to really prefer headphones that aren't picky about positioning, which may be due to my head or ear shape. I did play around with fit.
  9. Mmmm, that's a tasty burger *slurps Sprite.*
  10. Uppman vintage Cameroon. I used to really like these. it was fine. Stupid delicious Cubans.
  11. Depends on the lens you get. You'd be surprised how much of what you see on the old teevee is shot on mirrorless cams and DSLRs (mirrorless tends to be better for video, due to the lack of a rolling shutter).
  12. Does she have a still camera? If not, I would get her a mirrorless that also takes excellent video.
  13. Has anybody else watched Oasis on Amazon? That was a great pilot.
  14. Apple 100% does not do that. I've replaced a lot of batteries in iPhones for people. I'd say that the guy you talked to is just full of shit, or didn't want to deal with it. Happens all the time. What I really think happened is that something on the board was shorted during the battery replacement.
  15. Somebody has a gifted writing style, but it ain't the shill.
  16. The Mirror Spocks are still about the best sounding Beatles.
  17. I think it just comes down to what is important to the listener. I like fairly brutal honesty. The Utopia is definitely, well, Utopian. I want my shit to sound like shit! The RS-1 is a pretty major departure from that, but they just click for me. I don't know why.
  18. I unfortunately won't be able to make it.
  19. I still love my ten year old Ghurka. For jacket carry, I have a Montblanc.
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