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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. We are what we are, Steve. Me - decided that before I can't, I'd run further than I have in 30 years. It hurt, a bit, but not that bad. Did not help that I got dumped on by rain 3 times during the run but turns out, I don't melt.
  2. Made red curry today based on a NYT times soup recipe that I tweaked to be thicker and serve over rice. Came out quite good.
  3. Work on the humidor project continues and should be complete this weekend, well it sort of has to be since the presentation of the gift needs to happen Tuesday. WIth that in mind I did some more fab work on limited time at night this week making the piece for the bottom of the removable tray and doing a bunch of sanding. Precision was applied in some areas and is lacking in others, such is the nature of the things that I make. This is the custom bottom panel for the tray. The air-flow holes are a pattern that I developed to mimic the drilled shaft foundations that we are currently installing to support the two new dry docks. The large holes are the 9 foot diameter shafts that will start installation this fall/winter and the smaller holes are the 6'-6" shafts we're in the process of installing now. This is the bottom panel of the box complete with laser-engraved command logo.
  4. Mix of wood and metal in the shop for the next week as I work to build a command gift for my boss. Turnover is this week into next with the Change of Command officially next Tuesday. I copied the ammodor concept since you cannot simply order one and have it delivered reliably and I guess because I can. So far it's coming out alright, more difficult to do what I want to than expected. Today's lesson - CNC's let you fuck stuff up with precision. Most mistakes have been recoverable, but time consuming. Only thing photo worthy so far is the custom panel for the inside of the top cover which houses the hygrometer and humidity packs. The box that goes in the box is glued up and curing. The tray that will nest into the box-in-the-box is also glued up as of 20 minutes ago. The bottom panel for each will get a laser-engraved logo, hopefully tomorrow night.
  5. Belated happy birthday wishes, Shelly!
  6. I cannot get Disturbed - Down with the Sickness (strictness) out of my head.
  7. Just curious why someone would choose to spend $2500 on that router instead of a small CNC rig? I guess I need to watch some vids of how it works but at first blush, I don’t get it.
  8. I swear I started this thread this morning and having been offline most of the day, didn't get back to d-_-b till now to see that I failed. Happy birthday, Jeffy! I hope it was a good one.
  9. Happy birthday, Doug!
  10. I came here today to start this thread three times but stupid work. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AL!!! I hope that today is a great one and that you find an appropriately awesome way to celebrate another trip around the sun. I will drink to your good health later tonight.
  11. Back at the east coast ping pong table, making engineer of the year plaques for work.
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