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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2024 in all areas

  1. So after many weeks of diagnostics and several trips to several part stores, my truck is finally producing an acceptable amount of voltage. It settled out after this photo and running the truck for about 35 minutes to about 14.2 volts. I am happy with that. It started with me hooking up the fifth wheel, about to make a short trip and noticed that I was no longer producing electricity. I proceeded to check things out and then replaced the alternator. This of course did not fix the issue. As it turns out, all the voltage regulation is run through the computer. I tried to buy a new one of those which would have cost me $500 but nobody had them or would sell me one. So I finally decided to go completely DYI and externalize the voltage regulator to its own device. I got that all hooked up and I was getting too many pixies with it, around 15.7 volts. I didn't want to just boil my batteries to nothing. So after running a separate power lead and doing some additional rewiring, none of which I am very proud of and will not take a photo of, I got it all back together and working "properly”. I can at least move on to other projects now.
    5 points
  2. Speaking of lenses and Leicas, took out the Sigma 105mm f/1.4 on the SL2 Sunday. Helped a friend shoot a band. I was second camera so zero pressure. Most of me loves the lens. My lower back is the contrarian.
    4 points
  3. I own a lot of lenses, but end up using a 50/1.8 almost all of the time. All of these were taken with it and my 5D4, at ISO 200. F/9, 1/400. F/9, 1/200. F/8, 1/40. F/10, 1/500. F/8, 1/320. F/8, 1/200. F/7.1, 1/320. F/5, 1/125. F/8, 1/160. I took this one with the 50/1.4 at F/4, 1/80. The 1.4 has significantly more barrel distortion than the 1.8, which is never noticeable in actual photos.
    3 points
  4. This is why we can't have nice things.
    2 points
  5. Sausage roll with appropriate condiment and a latte at Andytown in SF.
    2 points
  6. Speaking of Wilson and size queens: This fella wandered in to the audio snob subreddit and posted a terrible picture of amazing gear. He spent all his money on 1.2KW Mac monoblocks so he used a 2012 iPhone camera. Also, TWO Thor's Hammers because fuck you, that's why. Also also room treatment is for suckers, it would seem. Also 3: I maintain that Wilsons are the speakers that look like invading robots that are very angry with the listener. Your insolence will not be tolerated, fleshbag.
    2 points
  7. 2001 4K HDR Digital Purchase on Amazon Free ? https://www.amazon.com/2001-Space-Odyssey-Douglas-Rain/dp/B000GOUXES?tag=slicinc-20&ascsubtag=25da00e2ec5911ee9cd5d2917961b2920INT Via: https://slickdeals.net/f/17387499-amazon-digital-movies-2001-a-space-odyssey-uhd-the-replacements-hd-free-more
    2 points
  8. But can you pronounce her first name? 😁
    1 point
  9. Was your friend telling jokes that required a rimshot?
    1 point
  10. Mini or minion?
    1 point
  11. All My Friends by Aoife O'Donovan (2024) https://album.link/i/1716406615 Example: This was released a few days ago, I finally got a chance to give it a good listen. I have always appreciated Aoife's inflections and attack on notes. --
    1 point
  12. White noise... vs. Pink noise...
    1 point
  13. White Noise vs. Pink Noise: An Audio Engineer's Guide British Grove Studios: Touring Mark Knopfler's Sonic Sanctuary
    1 point
  14. most likely it was put there on behalf of a nation level actor in order to ensure access when needed. It wouldn't be the first time, although it would be the first one I knew for an apple product.
    1 point
  15. Received my F100. It’s unused as far as I can tell. Not bad for $235 with a 35mm f/2. It operates like a modernish camera, certainly very similar to a Nikon DSLR. I doubt it’ll still be working in 100 years, like my beloved FM2, but I think this is my go to 35mm, now. It’s really nice! Massively more modern than the N8008 (which is a perfectly good AF body). Going to run some long expired Kodak Gold 400 pushed a couple stops. From what I’ve seen Kodak Gold maintains color, it just gets less sensitive.
    1 point
  16. i got her the fluance 81+ and she’s ecstatic.
    1 point
  17. Not so much
    0 points
  18. Daniel Kahneman, Nobel laureate who upended economics, dies at 90 https://wapo.st/4czEfAz
    0 points
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