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Everything posted by morphsci

  1. Good choice. I heard this unit last week at a dealer and was really impressed by it. Of course it didn't hurt that it was driving a pair of Harbeth HL-P3ES-2's. I <3 Harbeths.
  2. Good choice. I like the color.
  3. The Newports seem to be right on target. I have them in a 10 and they fit just fine if slightly on the big side (which most size 10's are on me). I ordered the slides in 9.5 as that was the only size close to what I needed so we will see how that works out. For the price, it seemed well worth the risk.
  4. Thanks Ken, just snagged myself a pair. Reksy they have them in 11.5 which might work, or you could step-up to the 14s
  5. Competitive Scientology?
  6. Well it is OK, but where are the Amphions on the Headroom stands? (I figured they would stand up to the weather better than the Harbeths.)
  7. I didn't even know there was a gay KS. You learn something new everyday.
  8. I haven't tried the Venice H2. I was actually thinking of trying them this past summer but they didn't have them in my size, so I stuck with the Newport H2's. The sole looked identical, except in color, as I recall.
  9. I think it's actually one of the chapters in the Kama Sutra.
  10. Excellent idea Ken, glad to see my favorite emoticon is finally getting some respect
  11. Good luck Ken. I'm crossing everything that can be crossed for you.
  12. and a 2Gb memory module for my eeePC 1000h
  13. Well I for one am certainly glad Mr. Pinna decided to join us. I now know that I have an overwhelmingly negative attitude. Thank you Peter I now have a good resolution for the upcoming New Year. I leave it to you to decide what that may be. Oh BTW and
  14. @Grawk - I think that is what I did @Fungi - Takes me back to Police Academy and SpaceBalls: The Movie.
  15. Exactly, you posted while I was adding what I saw as the problem with his first post.
  16. He can post what he wants here, but if it's shit (like the sound professional BS; appeal to authority) then I am going to call him on it. If that is your definition of piling on, then so be it. I could care less if he likes the 750 pro, but I do care if he comes in saying it is as neutral as a studio monitor with no other information to back it up (such as what studio monitor as there is more than one).
  17. I used to wear Teva's almost exclusively. About 4 years ago I switched to these: Keen Newport H2's and haven't looked back since.
  18. morphsci


    I'm willing to give it a shot, but it looks like their back to the whole bouncing around in time thing again, just a different character. The number of major characters looks like it may be about to get out of control also.
  19. You just don't get it. You come in here spouting your shit with no real information content and nothing to back up what you say. If you are going to use someone to make a point you better know something about them. Otherwise I will just assume that by sound professional you meant some as in: If the rest of your information is based upon the same slack acceptance of "facts" then you should thank Voltron for being as kind to you as he was. But maybe Grawk was right, perhaps you are not an asshat, just a pompous fucktard.
  20. Ok, I'll bite. Sweetwater makes there living selling pro audio equipment so what exactly is a "sales engineer". Does he engineer sales or does he sell engineers? What exactly makes him a sound professional? I can write anything I want in my sales catalog, as well as on the internet
  21. I've heard the 750's and they are in no way flat compared to studio monitors unless the studio monitors have a severely recessed midrange when EQ'd flat. So AFAIC that is an asshat thing to say, it is simply a typical throw-away PPism.
  22. Thanks to everyone for the nice birthday wishes (and Ingwe). I had a nice restful day with my choice of parental duties (which is worth a lot). @Mike - Unless I'm really having a senior moment you are right on time.
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