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Anyone use LogMeIn pro/basic/ignition?


It allows you to access your main computer remotely from another computer via browser. The ignition version allows you to access it directly via iPhone/iTouch - presumably would also work for iPad. This might allow you to easily print off your main computer (should anyone actually still print, like me!), and also access any programs at all running on the main computer. Yes, it's another damn monthly/yearly fee, but for $69.95 per year, maybe worth it?

Anyone actually use this service currently? Does it seem technically sound and reasonably secure?

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Anyone use LogMeIn pro/basic/ignition?


It allows you to access your main computer remotely from another computer via browser. The ignition version allows you to access it directly via iPhone/iTouch - presumably would also work for iPad. This might allow you to easily print off your main computer (should anyone actually still print, like me!), and also access any programs at all running on the main computer. Yes, it's another damn monthly/yearly fee, but for $69.95 per year, maybe worth it?

Anyone actually use this service currently? Does it seem technically sound and reasonably secure?

I use and like Jaadu VNC with my touch. Can't wait for the extra screen real estate on the ipad.

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I'm guessing that Posty had an unfortunate iPhone issue. :(

no, I am just trying to be hyperobservant about my feelings towards the iPad. more then any other apple product before it, I think I am aware of the strong apple-pull Jobs's pitch has on me, when here is a product I think I have absolutely no practical use for, but then at some point between the announcement and 6 months after release I decide I must have one. Resisting this effect, for me, is like quitting smoking. It's devious the effect Apple and nicotine have on the brain. :)

Periodically I have these epiphanies about the type of computer user I am. Yesterday I was loading up a USB stick with MP3s for use with my car stereo. Since I built this new computer a couple months ago, I didn't bother transferring over my iTunes library, since its just an MP3 duplicate of a chunk of my FLAC collection. So here I am using foobar to convert certain FLACs to MP3s, and am about to start adding them to my iTunes library, just so I can get that nice automatic folder organization, when I decide not to. Instead I realize it would be easier for me to have each album in an individual folder on my USB stick, so instead of I:\ween\all request live its I:\ween - all request live; this way I can easily glance at the windows explorer shot of my USB stick and see everything I have on there without clicking through other directories. So I completely avoid having to mess with iTunes which makes me happy for some strange reason. But then I realize its not strange, because I just hate proprietary. I just hate getting locked into using any one companies software, specifically for my music, but I'm also realizing I hate it for things that are slowly becoming increasingly important, like phone apps. I have started to enjoy downloading FLAC albums direct from the artists web site, not only because it saves me a few bucks, but also because it supports the artist directly. I wish the iTunes store did lossless, but at the same time I know it would just be freaking ALAC, just one more barrier between me picking up my shit and leaving if/when I get sick of using iTunes (assuming I decided to use it one day).

But my biggest current gripe is Apple's indirect role in making eBook prices go up, literally just months after I bought into the idea via the Kindle. Now honestly I'm more pissed at Amazon for not cowboying up and being more slick about the whole affair, but Apple's control on certain markets it enters cannot be denied. Now I mostly read older books, so maybe the price increase won't have much of an effect on me. Time will tell.

Point is I was going through this labories process of ripping my FLAC to MP3, creating little directories and dumping the MP3s into them, then using a utitility called DriveSort, which sorts files on FAT32 hard drive system in alphabetical order so that more primitive operating systems (like the one in my car stereo) can list them that way, and I just realized I was enjoying myself. I really liked what I was doing. So yeah, I guess what it comes down to in this great debate is that I'm a tweaker, I like to be able to do my own research to fix the PC world's flaws, and I like being able to have a little control, even if it means sacrificing a great deal of convenience.

At least, thats how I feel today. :)

And it is impossible to deny the positive impact products like the iPod and iPhone have had on my life...

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