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  2. suggest you redraw that part of the schematic that you think is wrong. there have been mistakes in stax schematics in the past. especially the t2. once it enters production and works...
  3. All assembled, waiting for finish. Finishing is waiting for another project to get finish applied first. More to come on that.
  4. That's true. I ordered a few more pairs of SR-007MK2 after finding out about this, but that's it. I have no idea if it's being replaced by something else.
  5. Not Stax but random estat find https://www.ebay.com/itm/135043673309?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=LZnLr4yOQj2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=QllYj8wxQKG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY never seen those before.
  6. Kevin, one more questions: under original schematic resistors r45 and r46 is connect between base q19/20 and emitter q23/24. But in real pcb is connected to base q23/24. I checked it a few times, no mistake - I do not know what to think about it...
  7. The horns are a Nelson Pass design https://www.passdiy.com/project/speakers/the-kleinhorn-part-1
  8. Apart from this audiophile scene, this is a great movie. This particular one is the second of a trilogy. The first of this trilogy is what the movie “Departed” is based on.
  9. Stax has removed the L300 and Sr-007 mk2 from their website. Looks like it wasn't just the 007a after all.
  10. Working on a BH at the moment, and given what you found regarding Cob for 2690; do you think it would be worthwhile to use TTC004b instead, or is the difference too small? I guess you may have checked it but discarded it as an option?
  11. Another (double) batch of Marmalade
  12. Yesterday
  13. One of three. Still need to assemble the bases onto the other two, then apply some Rubio finish.
  14. War Of Being by TesseracT (2023) https://album.link/i/1693539775 Example: Okay - caught up on studio albums. And this is by far my favorite. They are fully gelled with current singer Daniel Tompkins now. Hitting hard riffs and great transitions. And if you can surprise me with what is coming next, that is a good thing. (but then again there is Sonder - more listening needed)
  15. Ohmigosh, the lyrics sound like they were voted on by a coagulation of 13 year olds on 4chan.
  16. First night of the Violent Femmes tour. Waiting and admiring a very large sax on stage. On the wall we found a photo of the u2 concert I saw here. Definitely one day my top five rock concerts. So funny to see those fro's on Bono and Adam Clayton.
  17. Here are the action shots with our tapering jig not suited for this table saw.
  18. I think it's a fake. It's probably Charlie Sheen's piss. After all it's not that big a leap from tiger blood to panther piss.
  19. I have not - but I am sure I have tasted it... way too sure...
  20. Al and I are making 3 bookcases for his Sister from White Oak. They're mid century modern, with a separate base. The base will be 2" stretchers with 6" tapered legs. Here are the legs after tapering with the tapering jig. The cases are roughly 5' long by 28" tall, before the leg assembly goes on. They have one horizontal divider and one vertical divider. They are done except for finish sanding and a Rubio mono-coat finish. We still need to assemble the bases.
  21. Last week
  22. Couple recent views....both caused a bit of "Holy Shitballs" reactions....
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