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Everything posted by TMoney

  1. Woof. Don't even know where to begin to start with the hostility for Stax and KG's amps over at Chang 2.0. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Maybe you'll be able to start selling builds of dynamic amps as well in the new space?
  3. Good luck with the move and the sale, Birgir. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. IIRC when Tyll did his "Big Sound Project" most of the participants struggled mightily identifying amps during blind testing with the HE-1000. It is possible they are more amp-agnostic than some might think.
  5. RIP Bowie. A true original. I know what I'll be listening to this week. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. To be fair, the HE-1000 and HE-X both do sound quite good. I fully agree with you that neither is worth the current ask.
  7. I read this fantastic book over the break. I recommend it without qualification to anyone interested in history or science. The Manhattan Project and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were probably one of the five most important events of the 20th century and this book feels like the definitive tome. It treats the subject with the respect and humility it deserves. It's also a great layman's guide to nuclear science (no equations) and the development of the atomic theory. Once the race to the bomb is on you'd be surprised how much of a page turner a book like this can be. 5/5
  8. Happy birthday mr mba candidate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Happy New Years, everyone! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Happy birthday, AB! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. They've cleaned up very well since the earthquakes, but everyone still has very vivid memories.
  12. We were staying at a place called the Wilderness Lodge near Aurthur's Pass about two hours out of Christchurch.
  13. Happy late birthday, Ric! Hope to see you soon in 2016.
  14. Seeing a dog heard sheep may have been the highlight of my trip. It's hilarious. Also some Apple Watch screenshots to show the ridiculous length of the days here. Heading out to the bay of islands for a few more nights before heading home over the weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Sitting in the airport on my way to Christchurch after spending 5 days in Queenstown. We are so far south here it doesn't get dark till 11pm and the sun is right back up at 4:30 in the morning. Right hand drive cars are an abomination. Some quick highlights: Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. View from the deck of the hotel in Queenstown. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Heading home soon to go pack up and head out on vacation to New Zealand for the next two weeks. Happy holidays, everyone! See you in 2016!
  18. Malcolm Gladwell wrote about that one in one of his books.
  19. Take a few nights off from racing and rest up, buddy! We need you at 100%. Project Cars will still be there in a week. I feel kind of guilty for all the virtual-whiplash I've been inflicting on you.
  20. I bought this on an Amazon sale. I love struggling with the puzzles even if they occasionally (often) make me feel like an idiot.
  21. Watching the 22-0 Warriors this year has been pure unadulterated joy. Steph Curry is dominating games right now in a way never before seen. The guy seems to never have a bad night. I've watched his entire NBA career and what he is doing in games this year just blows me away. He never ceases to amaze. If you are an NBA fan and haven't seen the Warriors play yet, do tune in to one of their broadcasts. The team plays unselfish basketball (most assist per game since the showtime lakers) and has a blast doing it. If they can survive the rest of this road trip still undefeated, then the 72 Lakers seemingly unbeatable streak of 33 wins in a row is going to be in play.
  22. I had tickets to a Velvet Revolver show back when I was in law school that got cancelled because of his substance abuse problems. I was bummed to miss the show and I'm sad he was never able to turn his life around.
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