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Everything posted by TMoney

  1. When you make your living off advertising from manufacturers you are going to be compromised by definition. If he wants to stay in business he basically can't ever public rip a product or sponsor even if the manufacturers are frauds and the products are snake-oil. For that reason I don't ever expect true criticism from Jude and I'd never take anything he says as gospel. I've also only been around the hobby since 2008-09 so I don't have nearly the history with Jude as most members here. That being said, I've agreed with a number of his product assessments in the past, particularly his love of the 009s. When he LOVES a product it is a data point I take notice of (among many others) in deciding what gear I seek out for a personal evaluation. I'm never going to buy a $10,000 electrostatic headphone, but after the video posted I have to say I'm a lot more interested in hearing it than I was a week ago.
  2. Fresh 4-factor chart from the guy in the Houston stats department. Always interesting. Defensive eFG% seems far and away to be the stat most correlated with positive point differential.
  3. Jude says its the best headphone he has ever had in his office. Regardless of what everyone thinks of him, the guy has heard enough gear that I'm at least a little intrigued.
  4. NBA All Star Saturday. Great show this year! Loved seeing the Splash Bros face off again in the 3-pt contest and boy did Zach Levine and Aaron Gordon ever bring the rain with their dunks. Some of the dunks Gordon threw down over the mascot were flat-out incredible. Dunk contest highlights start about 2 minutes in to the following video: http://www.nba.com/video/channels/nba_tv/2016/02/14/20160213-gt-lavine-gordon-talk.nba/
  5. Wow, big news! While I often didn't agree with his conclusions, I respected the hell out of Scalia for his intellect. RIP
  6. Just posted my review in the TTVJ thread on HF. http://www.head-fi.org/t/795255/pass-labs-hpa-1-loaner-program/15#post_12334992 TLDR: The Pass Labs HPA-1 is a solid debut from Pass Labs. It sounds clear, punchy and neutral. It was a very nice pairing with the Sennheiser HD600/650/800 trinity. I could live with the HPA-1 as my only amp. Biggest con is the price, which is just too darn expensive for what it is. That being said, fans of solid state amps should definitely give this one a listen.
  7. It is absolutely shameful that more of them don't get in trouble for insider-trading.
  8. Amazing! Looking good, Brent. You can already see the weight loss.
  9. It's the bottle head crack-a-two-a.
  10. The fact that the landlord responded so quickly at least tells me they took my concern (and their law-breaking) seriously. As well they should. If they don't acquire the proper business license and remit TOT taxes to the City then they've got bigger problems. A random violation every now and then won't bother me that much. Its more that every time I walked by the apartment next door to mine there were different people sitting in it. It is in their economic best-interests to get the apartment rented back out to another long term tenant. Rents out here in the SF area have never been higher.
  11. This is so well stated that I make a motion to include the above language in the welcome PM.
  12. That was in response to my complaint. It was night to night before.
  13. The landlord responded right away. Courtney must be his niece or daughter. The listing has now been revised to comply with the City ordinance against short-term rentals. It is as good a resolution as I can hope for so I am happy.
  14. Pretty PO'ed right now. So the apartment next to mine had been vacant for most of 2015 after my former neighbor passed away last year. Around November, I noticed that furniture and decorations had been placed in the apartment, but my new neighbor was nowhere to be found. Its now almost February and I have still not yet met my new next door neighbor, but I have noticed that occasionally when I walk past the neighboring apartment there are random people sitting in it on the weekends. I did some research and I found that the apartment next to mine is listed on AirBnB.https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/10156284?checkin=02%2F03%2F2016&checkout=02%2F04%2F2016&s=EIBTtAXgI'm really furious. I've only seen this "Courtney" girl once, and that was weeks ago. Everyone else has been the renters. If I wanted to live next to a hotel I would have chosen an apartment next to a hotel. FML. Thankfully, the law is on my side. Short-term rentals less than 30 days are illegal in the City of Sausalito. As "Courtney" isn't around to talk to, I sent an email to my landlord letting them know the situation. Hopefully they do something about it, because if I can't get hold of the landlord or "Courtney" by early next week I'm going to the city development department.
  15. TTVJ loaner arrived today. I busted her out to try with the office rig. I'm looking forward to bringing her home for more critical listening.
  16. Being able to deposit checks using a smartphone app and camera is one of the great innovations of the 21st century.
  17. Society of the Mind Lectures: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-868j-the-society-of-mind-fall-2011/index.htm I remember getting turned on to Minsky years back when I read on Isaac Asimov's wikipedia page that the only people Asimov admitted were smarter than him were Carl Sagan and Minsky. I agree with Craig that 88 is a damn good run.
  18. RIP Marvin Minsky. Great thinker, teacher, author, and AI pioneer.
  19. I'll be looking forward to hearing your impressions after you've had some time to live with them for a while. Also I'd love to hear which of your amps you like best with them.
  20. Got an email form TTVJ saying that Senn. pushed back the date on the 800S till mid February. Time to hurry up and wait.
  21. Happy birthday! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. Thanks again, everyone. Had a great birthday dinner with friends and family last night at a local sushi joint. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Thanks, everyone! Starting to feel old here!
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