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Redditor's quote on the above:

That is Pedro Kantor, current chapter master of the Crimson fists. He is unlikely to see battle unless the situation calls for it. Usually commanders and scouts go unhelmed (scouts usually die too frequently to warrant full power armor as they are not yet fully ascended to the ranks of space marine). The item hanging on his chest next to his left hand is a disruptor field generator, which is a rare item provided to only the most important space marines in their particular chapters. It is the personal choice of each space marine to wear a helm or not. They all possess one, for void war or night actions. This is a display of his martial prowess that he chooses not to wear a helmet. Others feel it gives them a better feel for the battles they fight, finding the helmet constricting and choosing to fight unhindered feeling separated from the reality behind their augmented helmets. Of course, being from the crimson fist chapter, i would expect him to usually wear one, considering his parent chapter the Imperial Fists adhere strictly to the codex astartes, second only to the Ultramarines in their rigid adherence to its teaching.



Edited by Knuckledragger
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