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Everything posted by Hopstretch

  1. I like the "vulgar classnessness", and like to imagine I add to it. Would you be so kind as to go and take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut, if that's not too much trouble?
  2. Thank you very much for this link! I was looking for something to manage lower bit rate transfers from my library to my wife's Nano and that's perfect.
  3. It appears to be doing everything but telling the time.
  4. Right now I use the HD600s pretty much all the time in preference to the HD650s. I'm going to hold on to both until I get the GS-1 and see how they each like that. This probably opens me up for an ass-kicking, but I also feel the Enigma Apex cable makes a big difference with the 600s, particularly in terms of bass reproduction. Sort of takes them in the direction of the 650s, while retaining the greater urgency/immediacy the 600s have stock. Forgive my inadequate powers of description, please.
  5. I'm not sure a Frank suit would be a huge hit at the next fur con.
  6. Nothing a couple fans couldn't take care of, Yiffyboy. Now, who likes big wieners?
  7. OK, this is actually a pretty neat idea. Combo iPod/iPhone dock, card reader and USB hub.
  8. I wouldn't take that to the bank yet, Pa. Even if you can find one that's still open.
  9. That page kept serving me banner ads for a survey that would reveal if I was secretly gay. That happened to everybody else too, right? Right?
  10. If this is solely for music, do you really need a 12" sub? There are more compact options that would give you loads of extension for anything short of pipe organ extravaganzas. Otherwise, if the cylinder form factor works best for you then go for it. I remember seeing some measurements a while back of the SVS box subs and equivalent cylinders and there was really no significant difference in response.
  11. Never would have guessed it from the title, huh?
  12. I'll settle for a single FW 3200 port. Yahooooooooo!
  13. No biggie. He can just move into one of the speakers.
  14. KSC75s arrived from Amazon today. Tried them out of an iPod at the gym and was pleasantly surprised how decent they sounded. Thanks for the sweatphones rec, guys.
  15. Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, homefries, toast.
  16. Zappos' last two pairs of Gel Nimbus 9s. Why is it that whenever you find a running shoe that fits you well, they immediately redesign it so that it doesn't anymore? Well stuff you Asics, I'm stocking up!
  17. Agreed, but Apple's new problem is they're now trying too hard to also control the software. The recent rash of arbitrary and/or nakedly self-interested rejections from the App store is without doubt going to drive developers over to Android and cement the growing overall perception that Apple wants all the marbles and really doesn't care how they get them. Stuff like this today just makes them look ridiculous.
  18. ^^^ Shit, we're going to have to bring more fail in from out of state!
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