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What did you do today?


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Al ... nice day at the presid. Love the hawk flight trail ... do they drop acid before taking off? Thanks for the nice pics and narration. Sophie & Alden look great.

The picture of the hawk reminded me of a story. I don't know if you have a table football(soccer) game in the US - but it is basically a table with a series of rods that control the players, and two of you face off and have a game of table soccer.

The guy that designed it tried to call it "Football Hobby" - bear in mind that this was introduced in 1947 - to find that someone had already trademarked the name. So instead he called it Subbuteo, because Sub Buteo is the latin name of the Hobby Hawk.

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That looks like a good day, Al.

Al fess up, that Pink Pisco Punch looks an aweful lot like the infamous Red Vodka. Did the kids have to go on a Dad search at any point during the day? :D

Looks like an awesome day!

Al ... nice day at the presid. Love the hawk flight trail ... do they drop acid before taking off? Thanks for the nice pics and narration. Sophie & Alden look great.

It was a nice day, thanks fellas. And, no, Steve, that is not nearly red enough to be Red Vodka, killer of souls.

No ... didn't make the cut.

I was actually pretty conservatively dressed and well behaved. Was voire dire'd for a drug case, which was interesting, but not chosen. An interesting day, all around, and glad to have the experience.

Bummer, Gene. I think you would have enjoyed the experience. I know I want to be on a jury sometime, but I too was bounced the only time I made it to voir dire.

Some days you wake up extrodinarily happy and at peace with everything, even the stuff and people you let make you nutty the day before. Life is good. The trick is in remembering to notice.

Good to hear it V. I fail to notice far too often.

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I was coy because nothing is set yet, but I might as well ramble.

I'm quitting a PhD I shouldn't have ever started and which made me a stressed, depressed, alcoholic hermit in a subject which I drifted into passively after drifting passively through the MA via two previous subjects I had just as little enthusiasm for (hatred for in one case) for and which I also drifted into after I drifted through high school and finished without a career goal. (for 7 years I've ultimately been directionless and the degree was just a step towards whatever the fuck happened to happen next) I felt locked in because it's where I was and what I was doing and like everything else it was a case of "you've started to just keep making the minimum effort and you'll eventually finish". What does a PhD in Social Anthropology gain me? Dr in front of my name, PhD behind it and a series of horrible jobs teaching undergrads on contracts no longer than 12 months all over the place. And all I've got to do to achieve that is work like a dog on a project I have no drive to do for 3 (more) years?

I now have an aspiration to work towards which I actually give a rats ass about and a motivation to work toward and I'm investigating the best way of pursuing that from my current standpoint. I want to move toward a job in the brewing industry, and the pipe-dream that goes with that direction is my own brewery.

This might mean an HNC in applied science and then application to Herriot Watt for entry in 2011. Else an HND in Biological or Environmental science on the HNC and direct entry into 3rd year of the same Herrot Watt programme. Or it might mean a progression through business education. I have some contacts related to the industry and I'll be tapping them for advice.

Whatever the change leads to. I win. Because at least I won't be miserable doing it.

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Congrats on realizing the need to find something worth doing, and best of luck to you, Doug. You don't know how many times I've almost quit music entirely to concentrate on mediocrity in the engineering profession, but I just can't seem to do it because I'm a bit of an idiot. I'd say you have a much larger chances of success.

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Congrats, Duggeh, on having the wherewithall to realize that it was time to move on, and not to let 'momentum' carry you into that rut. To quote ...er... uh...someone:

Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't.
So don't worry about changing your mind -- it's expected.

Oh, and me: finished cleaning my office, more or less. I did something on Sunday to throw my back out, so the boxes stay, but other than that, I'm pretty happy with it. It should suffice to keep the powers that be off my back for a while.

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Thank you for the kind comments chaps.

As for the "Advice". That hit the top of the charts over here:

Yeah, it was all the rage over here as well (at least in my circles).

To throw things into the works (spanners, wieners, whatevers), I used to think that William S. Burroughs was the author, but since learned otherwise -- didn't actually learn her name, but could've googled it. So I just wrote, "...uh...er...someone" as a reference to that whole confusion. Hey, at least I knew that I didn't know.

Edited by Dusty Chalk
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I want to move toward a job in the brewing industry, and the pipe-dream that goes with that direction is my own brewery.

Pipe dream hell! I can absolutely envision you starting your own brewery. This all makes perfect sense to me after spending just a little time with you. You have a passion for beer, and this seems like the logical path to me.

I majored in education, and after (actually a bit before) receiving my degree, I realized I would not be happy in that field. I never felt that I wasted any time however, as I consider my time in college as invaluable in many ways.

Take it from someone who followed his heart to do what he loves, getting up every day looking forward to going to work is a fantastic way of life! Do not let anyone alter your path Doug. You'll find a way to make everything work for you, because you'll want to.

Congrat (yes still only one) on deciding to follow your passion!

Edited by swt61
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Bold move, Doug, and I admire you for it. I know way too many people who locked themselves into degrees, or careers, or situations that make them miserable (and usually anyone close to them) because A) they cling to some idea about they "should" be doing and/or B) have no curiosity or knowledge about how good life really is C) are cowards. Usually all three, and it's always sad.

I'm saluting you and your chosen path with my ice-tea right now. Yeah, it's not the same as Al's Hunahpu, but my heart's in the right place.

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