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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2017 in all areas

  1. Had my last Dr. visit for my finger. As it turns out, I had the story wrong. It seems my finger did indeed contact the saw blade, as my co-worker told me he found tissue on the blade. The other surprise is that the tissue under where the fingernail was has hardened. It is turning into a fingernail. Having lost one before, I know that's what happens, and the deformed nail, then grows out and usually flattens into a more normal looking nail. Pretty amazing how fast the finger is healing, and I'm very happy with the results. Much better than I expected.
    7 points
  2. The problem with a new black car is that it goes from shiny to matt camo overnight when it snows or rains... My 2017 WRX LTD had 4.5 miles on the odometer when I bought it last November, and I like it a bit more than the STi that I was supposed to come home with - nicer ride, the STi performance exhaust is loud but not deafening, with much better gas mileage and better WAF. I used some of the savings to upgrade the amp and speakers, get BBS wheels for the summer tires and put snows on the OEM wheels, so I can change them myself at home in the spring. The rest of the savings vs STi will pay for the next 2 years of car insurance. (I traded my son's 10 year old RAV4 and gave him my 2015 Forester XT to drive.)
    6 points
  3. I was very successful at being hung over that Sunday. Definitely the worst of my life, before or since.
    5 points
  4. 3 points
  5. But..but..it's so much to fun to watch a train wreck like this. Fang is like a small spoiled child that goes completely over the top if things don't go exactly as he wants. I think we need to buy some of his products just to rip them apart and piss him off.
    3 points
  6. Yup, the ESS phones definitely raised a "hmmm this could be cool" flag for me. And right on about wualta, he was the man. Hope he's ok. But then it's not just the ortho thread, it was HF as a whole. HF's sad evolution is pretty typical for a successful board that doesn't quite manage its transition into success right. The board becomes the place to be, all the techies and kids that want to be cool join up, and sooner or later the old farts look around and say "wait a minute, who are all these people and what are they talking about" and then they leave, helped along by management that values sponsorship over content. When you find a good community, value it while it lasts, because it won't. Bummer about those Sigmas...
    2 points
  7. indeed 502 = Pearly Mexican Pink https://thestashemeraldash.blogspot.com/2015/06/notd-kiko-502-pearly-pink-mexican.html
    2 points
  8. Tickets purchased. We are arriving late Friday night, hopefully before everyone crashes, and leaving Sunday night. I do not think I will be going to the meet as I think I have all the headphone gear I need.
    2 points
  9. nah, just the regular ergo 2 dynamic version. They sound ok, but not high end. Haven't gotten rid of them due to their high novelty value The sigmas were lent to a former friend, who never gave them back and refused to pay for them. i still miss them...
    2 points
  10. Couldn't have put it better, totally agree. On top of that, wualta's quirky humor combined with his seemingly infinite knowledge about lots of different things made that thread really special, along with some of the OG regulars. I feel bad for the people that are just getting into the hobby these last few years. Loving those Jecklins and Sigmas (I acquired my own, natch).... Teams Fuglyphone and Not Too Extreme Tweaking unite! Are those Ergos the AMT version? Really wish I could hear a pair, but most people wouldn't be caught dead wearing one let alone buying it so I haven't seen any at meets.
    2 points
  11. I may take Brent's Goo-d advice if we don't end up getting the expanded lake house we are looking at. Why waste a little money when you can waste a lot.
    2 points
  12. https://translate.google.com.hk/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=zh-TW&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.headphoneclub.com%2Fforum.php%3Fmod%3Dviewthread%26tid%3D504153%26page%3D7%23pid4210164&edit-text= Nankai rice = Fang
    2 points
  13. Straight No Chase / Now's the Time - Joshua Redman & James Carter Live at Carnegie Hall. Jesus Horatio Christ. I re-stumble upon this from time to time, and just keep <3ing it. **BRENT**
    2 points
  14. Good thing for you that chicks dig scars! **BRENT** Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. I was filled with nostalgia and googled fuglyphones... found an epic pic of the two fugliest headphones in existence, together in the same shot! Amazing. And surprisingly it isn't even Duggeh. Third ugliest goes to the Abyss so maybe the above guy could consider getting one if he doesn't mind spending $5000 on a half-finished piece of junk: And number four: Original Jecklin Floats don't even break top 5 ugliest anymore, amazing how fast technology moves!
    1 point
  16. You may have just inadvertently found a resolution to your ethnic identity issues. I would opt out of the pearlizer however.
    1 point
  17. Shipping fees sent. Thanks! I've sent you my address via PM in the past and also included it in the PayPal note.
    1 point
  18. Balance sent. The correct shipping address is in the PayPal note.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. I agree, which is kind of sad seeing how optimistic i was for the hobby when audeze started developing their first headphone, and everyone was hopping on the orthodynamic hype train. There's still plenty of cheap orthos on ebay, but i guess part of the fun was actually unearthing and documenting all the obscure and forgotten phones nobody knew anything about, like PMB's, MB Quart's and weird Amfiton's. Not to mention putting SFI tweeters in all kinds of ugly donor-phones, hand-sewing custom ear pads and trading felt across the world with other users (like kabeer, ludoo, smeggy and ericj.) Those really were fun times.
    1 point
  21. this is good news ... payment sent.. paypal address is fine. Thank YOU
    1 point
  22. You should video it not working next time. **BRENT**
    1 point
  23. Went to the Verizon store to check out the new models available for my impending upgrade eligibility in a few weeks. I was never so bored looking at smartphones in my life. So uninspiring. The most interesting model was a svelte looking flip phone that made me actually consider going backward technology-wise.
    1 point
  24. Yeah...can't believe that was almost 10 years ago but I truly don't see how Fang could have moved from that steaming pile of shit to a 50K$ and for it not to be a steaming pile of shit as well...just much more expensive. I do feel kinda bad now that I turned down a slightly broken Jade for the price of shipping as it would be nice to have one in the museum, the sheer level of shit just has to be preserved I mean there are plenty of headphones I don't like but for most it is a voicing issue or they fall flat in some crucial area. With the Jade it was just so shockingly bad all around. I mean I can't stand the Stax SR-507 but they do a lot of things right...the Jade just fails... Fucked treble and bass, fucked midrange and fucked soundstage with the worst build quality ever. The King Sound units are close behind but at least they are pretty cheap, at least the KS-H1.
    1 point
  25. Beat me to it. **BRENT**
    1 point
  26. why waste a little or a lot when you can waste both?
    1 point
  27. That RS is sexxxxyyyy. HS
    1 point
  28. Dammit I just remembered that I took a picture of it a while back (hence the Christmas bow) Still sitting there with 7 miles on the odometer....
    1 point
  29. please, don't waste your time. Feng always concluded in local forums that Chinese should support Chinese made products. He think a gang of American born Chinese hate him and posts on the other place are intentionally to attack him and his brand. And because other products like HE1 are super expansive and SRL is even better so the price tag is soooo reasonable.
    1 point
  30. I'll take "People You Want To Have As Little To Do With As Possible" for $200 please Alex.
    1 point
  31. Looks like Fang finally crossed the line, and a lot of the negativity surrounding headphone pricing in general has been heaped onto him, and his attempts to defuse the situation only made things worse. Certainly his awkward English didn't help. I almost feel sorry for the guy - almost, since he's undoubtedly guilty of price gouging, but then so is the whole bloody industry. I think the worse step for the industry would be intentionally compromising their less expensive models so that they don't undercut the performance of their higher-end models. I'm sure manufacturers would like a world in which all product niches are stratified and all good-sounding headphones are really expensive (kind of what the German car industry does). If that happens, and price/performance anomalies like the HD600/650 or KSC75 are discontinued, the hobby will truly be dead to a lot of enthusiasts. Quite frankly, it is that scenario that scares me, not the idea that somewhere out there somebody's making underengineered, underperforming $6k headphones. Maybe it's pointless worrying. This market isn't an oligarchy like the car industry and if somebody discontinues outstanding value headphones, somebody else will see an opportunity. Maybe this current Fang thing is just the market normalizing its concept of value. Maybe these headphones will fail, and so will he. But then I look at some of my posts from 2007 warning of exactly this and think "who the fuck is this idiot I don't want to say I told you so... but I did." In other news, I rather like the L700.
    1 point
  32. Tyll weighs in http://www.innerfidelity.com/content/ces-2017-upcoming-hifiman-edition-6-and-re2000-flagships
    1 point
  33. Made carnitas over the weekend for pork tacos. Had enough leftover pulled pork to make the kids and I pork nachos tonight. They were a hit.
    1 point
  34. Age plays a major role in hangovers. He was pretty young in 2010.
    1 point
  35. This is what happens when no child is left behind. #ThanksObama #SarcasmTagUsedForTheBenefitOfMcManus **BRENT**
    1 point
  36. Not a Mini Dynalo but a small one. Finished my Dynalo today, thanks to this forum and the members the build was easy and free of trouble, thanks everyone. Was fun to put it in a small case and solve this puzzle. Also a big thanks to Kevin Gilmore for this design and sharing it with us. http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=2232 Thanks to sbelyo for the group buy of the pcbs.
    1 point
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