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Went to work. Tried to convince my boss once again why he should make me assistant manager..... conversation delayed until next week. Oh well. Came home listened to my 800s vs Qualias vs Omega 2 (all without EQ) and decided I still prefer the Qualia overall without any math in the loop but the HD800 are very close with the Omega in 3rd.

Did some measurements of the 3 phones and posted them elsewhere on HC.

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Took my father's truck to school since UConn po-po hates my car. The truck shat its alternator at about mile 48 of my 52 mile journey. Got a ride to my lab, then got a ride home from my fiance. At home, I started soldering, then waited for my dad to get home, so we could go fetch the truck using multiple charged batteries. He has a new alternator being overnighted to his shop, so I guess I'm swapping an alternator tomorrow.

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Wow, even the doors to the landing gear have those radar deflecting sawtooth edges. Sweet!!!

Spent the afternoon as I have the last three days shipping Can Jam gear back to owners. Today I returned the Billy Bags audio stand for the Hoffman talk. After clean and jerking that monster a few times getting in and out of my sport ute I am feeling kinda buff.

Edited by Augsburger
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Then took myself to buy-two-cases-or-more-and-get-20%-off day at my local wine merchant. Went hog wild. :palm:

Where do you live in MA, Andrew. When I lived in Waltham and Acton from 1980 through 1985, the Winecellar of Silene in Waltham was my favorite wine store.

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Where do you live in MA, Andrew. When I lived in Waltham and Acton from 1980 through 1985, the Winecellar of Silene in Waltham was my favorite wine store.

We're out further West in Hopkinton, Ken. My local pusher is Julio's and they're really better for beer and spirits than for wine*. But I'll always take an excuse to hit Brookline Liquor Mart, Post Road Liquors in Wayland or Gordon's in Waltham. I haven't come across the Winecellar of Silene before, but now I'll be visiting soon. :)

* The spirits buyer runs this local club. I could probably pick up a few of the extra shirts if anyone was interested.


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I was up until 2:30am working on the DVD slideshow for my younger son's preschool graduation. Another parent came up with the idea of having a slideshow which showed photos of each kid from age 3-5 (3 years of preschool). I used Muvee Reveal. While I love the simplicity and automated nature of the program, that's also what is annoying about it as well (just a little more manual control would be nice).

And then I was up at 4:00am (yes, 90 minutes of sleep if you can call it that) and drove to the local YMCA to stand in line outside to register my kids for swimming classes during the summer. Did I say I was standing in line outside at 4:15 in the morning?? Simply crazy stuff. I got there about 4:17am and one other person was already there. A few minutes later, another person showed up, and between 4:30am and 5:00am several dozen people were in queue. I brought two laptops with fully charged batteries to watch videos. My sister-in-law had been registering my kids while she registered hers in the past, so this was my first experience. Conclusion -- there are a lot of crazy parents out there. Registration was set to begin at 7:00am but the staff let us in early around 6:30am and began the process soon there after. I did a quick count and there were 160-180 people in line when we entered the building.

I got home from the Y and slept for an hour, and then started burning the slideshow DVDs to take to the preschool graduation. We got there at 11:15am and with the graduation ceremony to the potluck and party at a local gymnastics place, I got home around 3:30pm. I picked up a double mocha espresso on the way home, as I was fairly certain I couldn't make it through the rest of the day without some caffeine.

The kids and I hung around the house playing video games, and then we headed out at 5:30pm to have dinner with my parents. I can't believe how much my older boy eats, and he is a slim kid. He is 8.5 years old and he seems to eat about as much as I do if not more (he definitely eats more than me when we go to sushi restaurants). The food budget is going to go through the roof when puberty hits.

After dinner, I spent a few minutes planting mole pellets in a couple spots in the backyard. And now, I am putting the kids to bed. I still have a spreadsheet to put together for a church building project. I was hoping to be in bed by 9pm tonight but so much for that idea -- it's already 10pm as I post this message. I spent a few minutes looking up stuff on Maine Coon cats after seeing a thread on it here, so that didn't help matters.

Good night.

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Went to a most excellent birthday party last night and ran some friends back to a place just outside of Cupar afterward. I was just going to drop them off when Kuj said that I should get shown this dude I met at the party (whose name I have unfortunately forgotten) speakers. So I go in expecting to see something nice but ultimately unremarkable. I actually made a beeline right for the CD drawers which were filled to the brim with a selection of discs I found most tasty and pulled a couple out and it wasn't until I turned round with them in hand that I saw a pair of B&W 802D and a stack of all Naim amplification and a Naim CD player.

The sound was unlike anything I have ever heard, ever. Just jaw-droppingly good and the system was just sort of "in the living room" not a tweeked up rig like one would expect from the likes of us. Listened to perhaps 8 or 10 songs each of which blew me away.

I need bigger speakers. Much bigger ones.

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LOL I guess you were under the influence of spirits. Though impressive (very much indeed if played loud) those speakers can become very fatiguing on the long run. I needed 3 listening sessions at an audio shop here to realize they weren't my cup of tea.

However big speakers sound... well, "big", which is good at times.

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It wasn't just the bigness of the sound, or the loudness, although both of those certainly wow-factored on the first couple of tracks, it was the simply brilliant articulation of detail (which was I am sure helped by the CD player). I'd have loved to have sat there all day and got to know the system better but I don't know the chap very well so it really wasn't an option.

Was the listening fatigue linked to a brightness in the sound for you?

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It wasn't just the bigness of the sound, or the loudness, although both of those certainly wow-factored on the first couple of tracks, it was the simply brilliant articulation of detail (which was I am sure helped by the CD player). I'd have loved to have sat there all day and got to know the system better but I don't know the chap very well so it really wasn't an option.

Was the listening fatigue linked to a brightness in the sound for you?

Yep, it's a brightness in the midrange, which I attribute to the kevlar midwoofers for being present in most B&W speakers, and also a metallic tint somewhere higher in the treble. You need to listen carefully to voices you know very well, and also some wind instruments to be fully aware of what's going on.

Then there's the bass, which is a bit "boxy" though quite tout for bass reflex speakers.

Overall good speakers and for the price, I suppose a good alternative to Wilson Sophias/Watt Puppies and many other high priced big boxes pretending sound big and forceful.

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I heard the 802D's at the local audio shop with Classe amplification, and it seemed a bit underwhelming. They seem to like to be played loud vs. what I would call regular volumes. It was hard to really hear the detail and separation I was expecting unless I cranked it up. I also think it did a better job with jazz than say classical/orchestral music, but that's just me.

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Today is day 5 of the upper respiratory infection. I am now regretting not calling my doctor on Thursday or Friday and getting on antibiotics. I'm less pissy today than I was yesterday, but I am in fact sicker. I'm supposed to drive across the state tomorrow and spend the next 10 days on Martha's Vineyard.


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Today is day 5 of the upper respiratory infection. I am now regretting not calling my doctor on Thursday or Friday and getting on antibiotics. I'm less pissy today than I was yesterday, but I am in fact sicker. I'm supposed to drive across the state tomorrow and spend the next 10 days on Martha's Vineyard.


Take care mate, I would skip that trip. Take your pills and have good rest. Get well soon.

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